In Mendoza, discounts of 30% to 50% are maintained on gas bills

In Mendoza, discounts of 30% to 50% are maintained on gas bills
In Mendoza, discounts of 30% to 50% are maintained on gas bills

Good news for the so-called “Cold Zones”, since the final opinion of the Bases Law commission that came out of the Senate maintains the benefit for the regions that joined the regime in 2021, by which nearly half of the Residential natural gas users in Argentina receive a discount of between 30% and 50% on your final invoices. The axis had been excluded in the half-sanction of the Chamber of Deputies.

The regime provided for by the Law 25,565 on Cold Zones originally anticipated that since 2002 some 800,000 users from Patagonia, Puna and Malargüe (Mendoza) tget a discount on their rates fifty% about what they pay in the price of gas. Two years ago the benefit was expanded to other areas of the country with cold or temperate-cold climates and was extended to 4.3 million homes, out of a total of 9 million in the country. Localities from Mendoza, San Juan, San Luis, Salta, Córdoba, La Rioja, Salta, Tucumán and Catamarca were addedin addition to fifty municipalities in the province of Buenos Aires.

This point caused concern to the governorsin the preview of the new rate increases that the Government will apply from June. Subsidies for cold zones They do not arise from a contribution from the Treasurybut are financed with a surcharge on bills throughout the country.

The opinion that came out of the Senate included the modification of Law 27,637 promoted in 2021 by deputy Máximo Kirchner that extended the benefit to more areas of the country than originally planned. That detail had generated concern among interior legislatorswho sought to ensure the maintenance of these subsidies.


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