The dismantling of the National Institute of Industrial Technology advances


Updated to Monday 3.6.2024 22:10hs

The adjustment plan continues in national State agencies in line with the intentions of the libertarian administration led by President Javier Milei. On this occasion, the chainsaw arrives at the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI).

Last Friday, the president of the organization, Daniel Afione, informed the regional deputy managers that the Ministry of Industry and Productive Development decided to proceed with the closure of all provincial headquarters that do not have a laboratory and the non-renewal of 278 contracts that expire in the month. of June.

Daniel Afione, head of INTI, publicly announced last Friday the decision of the libertarian administration to get rid of personnel and close the headquarters of the scientific-technological organization.

The official told the deputy managers that in the coming days the new structure of the entire Institute will be presented. “This way people can see if they are there or not and based on that decide whether to adhere to the voluntary withdrawal,” said Afione, according to the information collected by the Noticias Argentinas agency, in said meeting.

This Monday, the INTI headquarters, located in the San Martín district, woke up with a strong custody operation by the Buenos Aires police, at the request of the Ministry of Industry to avoid possible protests in the building due to the announcement of layoffs. and venue closures, anticipated at the end of last week.

Juan Alberto Pazo, in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Productive Development of the Nation, to which the National Institute of Industrial Technology depends.

To this situation, the state union to which the INTI workers belong added that some workers were informed that they had the option of moving to other locations to work or requesting voluntary retirement since their workplace will cease to exist.

INTI was created in 1957, with the objective of putting public investment in science and technology into motion. Among its tasks is providing technical assistance services to industries, SMEs and intermediate organizations that make up the scientific-technological framework of the country.

The situation in Santa Fe

In the province of Santa Fe, the decision to close the locations that do not have laboratories affects those in La Capital and Reconquista, where about eight professionals from different specialties with more than 10 years of seniority and at least 15 years of experience carry out their activities. professional and 5 monotributistas in the Rosario and Rafaela Centers.

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The Santa Fe capital headquarters has been operating since 2009, meeting the demands of the local industry and currently by agreement with the Government of the Province of Santa Fe. In addition, it has the particularity that it is in the process of creating a laboratory own in the building of the Ministry of Productive Development, with investments for the installation of state-of-the-art equipment with funds from the former Ministry of Science and Technology to respond to the requirements of the agroindustrial sector for export, value addition and technological support to the State.

While the Reconquista headquarters has been operating since 2007, channeling the demands of the industry throughout the northern province and connecting that neglected region with INTI’s capabilities distributed throughout the country.

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From the Association of Workers of the State of Santa Fe they expressed that the closure of offices in the interior and the non-renewal of contracts “are a clear attack on the workers and also on the provinces, on the regional economies and on the entire industrial sector.”

“Proposing to move more than 200 km, 500 km in some cases, with the implications that this has for our families, without any technical or even economic justification, seems to be just a strategy to fire workers and withdraw the national State from the provinces. “, they pointed out from the local delegation of the national workers’ union.

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Likewise, they highlighted that the industry is currently operating at 70% of its installed capacity, so these types of measures will have a strong impact on resolving the complications of the territory’s productive system: “The current INTI structure does not respond to any ‘oversizing’ but to the search for a fairer territorial distribution in such an unequal country. From an office in the Federal Capital it is difficult to understand the difficulties that the small and medium-sized industry in the interior of Santa Fe has.”

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