They beat and stole a delivery man’s motorcycle

They beat and stole a delivery man’s motorcycle
They beat and stole a delivery man’s motorcycle

“They hit him, left him lying there and took his motorcycle. They ambushed him with the sole objective of stealing the little value he had,” told LMNeuquénFernando, deliveryman Orders Now.

At least three women reported having been abused by a delivery man from the Pedidos Ya company.

They ask people who use the Orders Now app to wait for the delivery people at the door.

Due to the injuries caused by the criminals, the man had to be urgently transferred to the Castro Rendón hospital by ambulance. There he was admitted to the Guard, where he remained under observation for at least six hours. “They hurt his eye and he couldn’t see several studies had to be done,” he explained.

“We ask people who place orders on the app to control the route because everything is clearly shown there, when we arrive at the store and the status of the delivery. So for us it would be safer if they wait for us at the door, we do the delivery and we leave safely. That is the best tip they can give us,” he observed.

A job that became high risk

Along with the growing demand that Orders Now delivery drivers have, in recent times incidents of insecurity have also increased. “In all neighborhoods of the city there have already been robberies, but the most violent were recorded in Sapere. On one occasion they even tried to stab one of the workers,” Fernando said.

orders already cut

Those who distributed Orders Now asked that the laws be toughened for those who steal.

Faced with this complex situation, they asked that the laws be tougher on criminals. “It cannot be that the Police manage to arrest these people and two hours later, from the Justice Department, they order that they be released regardless of whether they hit or stabbed a person who walks on the street all day working in an honest manner,” noticed.

The delivery man said: “It is very difficult to go out to work and have these things happen. Many kids start with a bicycle and pedal all over the city until they can save up and buy something better, a motorcycle to lighten their work a little, but that is achieved with a lot of effort, so that these people come, hit you or even kill you and go free because the laws leave them on the street a few hours after having stolen,” he said.

That is why he once again asked for the empathy of people who place orders through the app. “Wait for us at the door, it doesn’t matter that you don’t leave us a tip, but that it is a safe delivery for everyone. There are times when you go around and around because they don’t even answer the phone when we call to let them know that we are outside,” he said.

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