List of beneficiaries of the Colombia without Hunger line

List of beneficiaries of the Colombia without Hunger line
List of beneficiaries of the Colombia without Hunger line

Citizen Income is one of the strategies of the current Government to guarantee the rights of citizens who have economic difficulties. The president has indicated that Citizen Income aims to contribute to overcoming poverty, promoting social mobility and strengthening the popular and community economy. Therefore, this program aims to reach all the departments and municipalities of the country with households in extreme poverty.

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Now, recently the director of Social Prosperity, Gustavo Bolívar, detailed that twenty thousand homes that expected to be in the first line of care (Care Assessment) did not qualify. This is because the women who make up these households have husbands or partners.

However, positive news from the director relates to the fact that these 20 thousand homes, having the characteristics to belong to the social mobility program, will be able to be served by the Colombia Without Hunger line, or the Capacity Strengthening line. Bolívar mentioned that the correct characterization of Colombian households is necessary in order to identify who should be beneficiaries and be able to provide them with aid.

This is what Bolívar pointed out: “We are not going to leave out, nor unattended, the 20 thousand homes that did not qualify in the Citizen Income Care Assessment line.” This is why he explained that they work daily to properly organize the database.

“The indication of President Gustavo Petro is to serve one hundred percent of the families in extreme poverty. At Social Prosperity we are cleaning the databases, and making a great institutional effort to deliver the resources to those who really belong,” added Gustavo Bolívar.

In the midst of this, Social Prosperity called for citizens to verify that their data is updated in Sisbén, so that aid reaches those who need it most.

What does the Colombia Sin Hambre line consist of and when will transfers begin?

The Colombia Without Hunger line is part of the Citizen Income program. The Government mentioned that its beneficiaries will be able to see the transfers from the month of July, which is when their execution will begin.

This Citizen Income service line has been described as one that will support the feeding of households that have difficulties achieving a daily diet. That is, it is expected that the monetary transfer will help cover an adequate caloric diet. Furthermore, the beneficiaries will be those who are categorized in Sisbén as living in extreme poverty and are those who will not benefit from the Care Assessment line.

Who are the beneficiaries of the Colombia Without Hunger line?

As the Government has mentioned, the beneficiaries are those who have been considered as people in extreme poverty. That is, they are those citizens who in Sisbén are classified as group A and who make up the 5 subgroups, from A1 to A5.

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