We advance the possible consequences of the monumental cyclone that will affect the country

Memorable will be the rainfall event that the extratropical cyclone will bring to the south-central area of ​​the country. Check the meteorological details that are projected for the coming days and the regions most affected by the rains.

Reina Campos Caba 06/03/2024 16:57 6 min

The enormous extratropical cyclone, which began to develop last week over the Pacific Ocean, will give rise to several pulses of precipitation in our country over the next few days.

Considering the update and meteorological analysis of our reference model from the European Center for Medium and Long-Range Forecasts (ECMWF), the first of these pulses of precipitation will begin at dawn Tuesday 04 between the regions of La Araucanía and Aysén, and will decline during that day.

Precipitation ECMWF Chile
Precipitation (mm) and location of the extratropical cyclone predicted for the early hours of Wednesday, June 5, 2024 in the southern and southern areas of Chile.

But, so far, the pulse of precipitation The most intense is forecast from the navel of the week. In fact, this Sunday the 2nd, the Chilean Meteorological Directorate (DMC) issued an alert for moderate to heavy precipitation with a high 0 °C isotherm.

This weather alert is valid for regions of Maule, Ñuble and Biobío between the morning of Wednesday the 5th and the night of Thursday the 6th, a period in which they will also be registered Wind gusts around 50 km/h.

Abundant rains with high zero isotherm and atmospheric river will bring the extratropical cyclone to Chile during this week

Abundant rains with high zero isotherm and atmospheric river will bring the extratropical cyclone to Chile during this week

In this direction, prevention is necessary in the event of emergencies generated due to the predicted amounts of water fall. For example, between Wednesday and Thursday 65 mm could accumulate in the valley and mountain range of the Maule Region.

During this second pulse of precipitation, the amounts of fallen water could exceed 90 mm in the Andes mountain range between the regions of Ñuble and Biobío.

This meteorological condition is associated with the fact that the 0 °C isotherm It would be located at a minimum of 2,800 meters above sea level (masl), in the aforementioned geographic section, causing more liquid precipitation in sectors where snow should be recorded.

ECMWF Snow Level
Snow level (m) forecast for the afternoon of Wednesday, June 5, 2024 in the central and southern areas of Chile.

It is worth mentioning that the rains of this second pulse will extend to the Magallanes Region.

To all this “weather cocktail” We must add an ingredient, of which we have already seen its effects in Chile during the winter of 2023. We are referring to an atmospheric river that, this time, it would land in category 4 -on a scale that goes from 1 to 5- between the Biobío and Los Ríos regions.

Atmospheric River
Projection category of atmospheric rivers between June 3 and 9, 2024. Black box indicates area affected with category 4 atmospheric river.

Starting Thursday night, a third pulse of precipitation would arrive to the south of Chile, mainly, from the Biobío Region to the Aysén Region. The rains would extend to the regions of Ñuble and Maule in the afternoon hours of Friday.

In fact, rainfall would continue to intensify during the weekend with the probability that they will arrive in the central zone on Sunday the 9th. So Watch out for upcoming weather updates!

Blessed clouds! Minimum temperatures will rise in central Chile this week

The beaches of the Arica and Parinacota Region and the Tarapacá Region will experience a week with mornings covered by the stratus-type cloudiness of the coastal trough, but with radiant sunshine after noon and pleasant 19°C maximum temperature.

The days will remain mostly cloudy in the regions of Antofagasta, Atacama and Coquimbo with maximum temperatures between 24 °C and 26 °C in the interior sectors.

ECMWF Temperature
Minimum temperature (°C) forecast for Wednesday, June 5, 2024 in the regions of Valparaíso, Metropolitana and O’Higgins.

The sky of the regions of Valparaíso, Metropolitana and O’Higgins also It will be decorated by the clouds all week. This meteorological condition will allow minimum temperatures to be around 9 °C in Los Andes, 8 °C in San José de Maipo and 10 °C in Pichilemu.

Until this weather forecast is issued, the highest probability of rain in these regions of central Chile within this week, It is concentrated for Sunday. This precipitation event could even begin on the night of Saturday the 8th.

News reference:

Meteorological Directorate of Chile. Alert AA33/2024.

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