3J in Rosario: massive march against gender violence on a new anniversary of Ni Una Menos

The march for Not one less once again filled the streets of Rosario with a demand against sexist violence. Women and dissidents led the massive mobilization that It left around 4 p.m. from Plaza San Martín to end in Plaza 25 de Mayo. where a tribute was held to Nora Cortiñas, president of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo Línea Foundadora, who recently died at the age of 94.

The call for the march was promoted by, among other organizations, the Lesbotransfeminist Assembly of Rosario.

A journalistic team from Radio 2 consulted the attendees during the rally and pointed out concerns about hate speech and program cuts states as the main concerns.

“We are mobilizing several years“This is the ninth Ni una menos,” said one of the protesters in dialogue with the program The first in the afternoon (Radio 2).

“This year the circulation of hate speech is one of the main reasons why we are here. We never remain silent, but today there is a speech against feminists and against sexual dissidence. That makes today more than ever we have to be together here,” another woman added.

Meanwhile, a third who gave her testimony recalled the recent lesbicide of three women in a hotel in Barracas and maintained that this triple crime meant “a “regress of many steps”. “It was very sad,” she said.

Finally, a victim of gender violence told Radio 2 that since she was able to leave the violent situation, she has attended all the marches. “I had a lot of support from the Municipality, the State and I tell the other girls that they can go out“said the woman.

There were other claims expressed in different slogans or posters such as requests to reduce or eliminate gaps between men, women and dissidents and inequality that leads to poverty levels.


“The data that confirms this is that the number of femicides and trans transvesticides not only does not decrease year after year, but it has been growing and, in 2023, 308 murders of this type were recorded. The wave of hate and violence does not stop growing, taking away, just a few weeks ago, Pamela, Andrea and Roxana, victims of the Barracas lesbicide“said the organizing organizations.

We are not going to give up in the fight for the full implementation of public policies that take action in the face of these very serious events and propose concrete and accurate forms of care and reparation. Nor are we going to stop demanding that the State, the institutions, the media assume the responsibility they have when spreading hatred symbolically and with concrete actions: such as the reduction of the budget in preventing situations of gender-based violence,” they closed. .

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