Poor air quality in the Bay Area – Telemundo Bahía 48 Area

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District issued a poor air quality advisory due to smoke generated by an 8-alarm fire that destroyed a building under construction in Redwood City.

Authorities reported that the smoke most impacts the cities near the fire, which include Palo Alto, Mountain View, Santa Clara and San José.

Winds are expected to push smoke across the peninsula and toward San José. This is based on current weather conditions which may change depending on the duration of the fire.

Residents should follow the instructions of local health officials.

Fire smoke contains fine particles and other harmful pollutants.

Exposure to smoke is unhealthy, even for short periods of time. It is important for Bay Area residents to protect their health by avoiding exposure. If possible, and temperatures permit, stay indoors with windows and doors closed until smoke levels subside.

Set your car’s ventilation systems to recirculate to prevent outside air from entering. Using indoor air filtration can also help reduce smoke exposure.

Smoke can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract, causing coughing, dry throat, and itchy and irritated sinuses. High airborne particles can cause wheezing in those with asthma, emphysema, or COPD. Older adults, children, and people with respiratory illnesses are particularly susceptible to high levels of air pollution and should take extra precautions to avoid exposure.

Check the US EPA’s fire and smoke map to see if smoke is affecting your area at: https://fire.airnow.gov/.


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