PDI begins commemoration of the 91st anniversary month with the raising of the national flag in La Serena

The PDI held the traditional ceremony in the historic center of La Serena, officially beginning the commemoration activities for the 91 years of institutional history, which will be held next Wednesday, June 19.

A team of detectives, police officers and PDI officials formed a line on Arturo Prat Street, in front of the Regional Presidential Delegation of Coquimbo, to participate in the event called “Raising of the National Flag.”

“This is an act that seems simple but has deep meaning especially for us as detectives and our police officers. Every day, at the beginning of the day, the guard personnel raise our national and institutional emblem in each police complex. “The pavilion represents the inhabitants of our country and the service of excellence that we provide for their safety through professional investigation of highly complex crimes, up to the surrender of their lives if necessary,” said in his speech the prefect inspector Ernesto León Bórquez, Head of the Coquimbo Police Region.

The protocol attendance at the PDI ceremony was led by the Regional Presidential Delegate, Galo Luna Penna, in the company of various representatives of the community, the Armed Forces, Order and Security, the Archbishopric and Municipality of La Serena, public services and the president of the Circle of Detectives and Officials (R), Segundo Leiton. It also had the special participation of the Instrumental Band of the Coquimbo Regiment N°21, for the interpretation of the National Anthem and the Detective Anthem.

“We are at the beginning of the 91 years of the PDI to greet all its officials, with whom we work directly. The role they play in Chile and this region is fundamental, it is a very committed, important job, we have a Council Against Organized Crime, and we have made progress. For example, in terms of investigations related to ‘narco crops’, bringing out circulation of significant quantities of drugs and affecting the assets of those who engage in these illicit activities,” said Galo Luna, Presidential Delegate of the Coquimbo region, at the end of the ceremony.

In this area, one of the emphases highlighted by the Regional Head of the PDI in his message, on the eve of a new anniversary, is the implementation of the La Serena Money Laundering Brigade, starting in the month of May. This institutional milestone, supported by the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security, implies the formation of a group of exclusively dedicated detectives who, together with the Public Ministry, develop specialized investigations to impact Organized Crime, from their economic and financial assets.

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