Buenos Aires demands a debt of $5.8 billion from the Nation and Larroque’s request: “Pettovello, serve us”

“The total debt that the national government has with the province of Buenos Aires amounts to 5.8 billion pesos,” said the Buenos Aires Government Minister this morning. Carlos Bianco, at a press conference with his colleagues Andrés Larroque and Javier Rodríguezheads of Community Development and Agrarian Affairs.

“Within the framework of a deliberate and systematic plan of financial and economic asphyxiation carried out by the national government on the people of the province of Buenos Aires, through different cuts, adjustments and elimination of non-automatic transfers, we request that the funds be returned. funds that correspond to the people of Buenos Aires to have better access to education and health,” said Bianco.

The governor’s right hand Axel Kicillof released a detailed table with all the contributions that the national government owes to the province of Buenos Aires for various concepts, from public works, the famous teaching fund or transfers from the ANSES.

According to Bianco, the details of the debt are as follows:

  • Direct debts $1,270,605 million: include transfers from ANSES to the provincial treasury, the Municipal Fiscal Strengthening (FOFOFI), the Teacher Incentive (FONID), and the Compensation of Public Passenger Transport by Urban Motor Vehicles in the interior; among others.
  • Public works committed: $4,463,230 million: includes the PROCREAR and Casa Propia programs; works in schools, hospitals, routes, ports and industrial parks; sanitation of open dumps; and the Penitentiary Infrastructure Plan; among others.
  • Discontinuity or delays of national programs: $26,777 million: includes programs such as FINES, Conectar Igualdad and Potenciar Trabajo; among others.
  • Other debts: $73,539 million: includes the School Food Service (SAE) and the Extraordinary Module for Food Security (MESA), among others.

In turn, Larroque maintained that “poverty numbers have skyrocketed since December 10, 2023. Within this framework, the province makes an annual investment in food of $842,896 million” through various programs.

“In the provincial government there is no discretion, there is transparency and concern, that is why we ask Minister Pettovello to give answers: it has been six months of management, please assist us,” he added.


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