Not one less, live: with chants and demands to the Government, the event ended outside Congress

Not one less, live: with chants and demands to the Government, the event ended outside Congress
Not one less, live: with chants and demands to the Government, the event ended outside Congress

Nine years after the first #NiUnaMenos, Argentine artists once again protested against violence against women

From Lali Espósito, through Dolores Fonzi, to Mercedes Morán, Florencia de la V and Natalia Oreiro: the word of the best-known figures in the artistic field

Mercedes Funes, Julieta Prandi, Lali Espósito, Natalia Oreiro, Tuli Acosta and Valeria Sampedro

For the ninth consecutive year, this June 3, a new march of Not one less in all the country. Motivated by the femicide of Chiara Paez, the 14-year-old teenager beaten to death in the Argentine town of Rufino, province of Santa Fe; Since 2015, thousands of people have taken to the streets to ask for Justice for her and all women who suffer violence. To date, according to the latest figures, A woman continues to be murdered every 35 hours in Argentina. In that framework, several celebrities expressed themselves through their social networks and in different Streaming programs.

The main event ended

“In the face of the hatred and cruelty of this Government, we continue to organize, weaving networks that sustain us. Like nine years ago, every June 3, we say again: Not one Less”, this is how the reading of the document ended, in which justice was demanded for the victims of femicides.

Different women from the group read the document in which they expressed claims and demanded justice for the murdered women (Gustavo Gavotti)

He began reading the document: “We are living in a moment of profound attacks”

The Police guard the concentration and supervise that everyone remains on the square (Gastón Taylor)

With recognition of Nora Cortiñas, co-founder of Madres de Plaza de Mayo who died last Friday, the reading of the document by different protesters began in the central event.

The speech also criticized the management of President Javier Milei and pointed out: “We are living in a moment of profound attacks to all of our people. Milei’s government established cruelty and hatred as state policy. The violence of the Milei government is social, it is economic and it is political. To that we respond: We continue in the streets and mobilize! We keep shouting: Not one less. We love each other alive, free and debt-free. Out with the IMF!”

“We are shocked and mobilized by the massacre in Barracas, by the triple lesbicide,” they expressed in the document. Photo: Nicolas Stulberg

In addition, they referred to the recent femicides and assured: “We are shocked and mobilized by the massacre in Barracas, due to the triple lesbicide. We demand justice for Pamela, Roxana and Andrea, cruelly murdered with two Molotov cocktails for being lesbians. Silence is complicity. We demand from Jorge Macri and the City Government reparative solutions for Sofía, survivor of the massacre: we demand an adequate housing response and comprehensive support sustained over time and that guarantees her a perspective of a dignified life free of violence. Not a lesbian less!”

And they added: “We condemn the femicides, lesbicides, transvesticides, transfemicides and transhomicides that increase day by day and the violent actions of the misogynistic judiciary and we denounce the media siege. We demand justice for the transvesticicide of Sofía Fernández at the hands of the police, for the femicide of Mariel Jiménez in Lugano; from Erika Torres, a teacher from Chaco; by Claudia Tupa Lotore and Micaela Rascovsky. The State is responsible.”

The main event began

The event takes place on a stage outside the National Congress (Nicolas Stulberg)

The event began on a stage set up in the vicinity of the National Congress, where the demonstration takes place, and before a massive call.

Police guard the march

As more people arrive at the Plaza de las Dos Congresos, the Police guard the march and ensure that they remain on the sidewalk without obstructing passage in the area.

While waiting for the start of the main event, the songs anticipate part of the demands that will be expressed during the reading of the document, starting at 6:30 p.m. “Down with the adjustment,” the protesters demand.

This is the Plaza de los Dos Congresos

The Plaza de los Dos Congresos is filled with different groups expressing themselves during the Ni Una Menos march (Gustavo Gavotti)

After the massive call for this Monday’s march, members of the different groups are already concentrated in the Square of the Two Congresses. The main event is expected to begin around 6:30 p.m. There, the journalist is expected to Liliana Daunes read a document expressing the main claims.

Among those present are women belonging to the collective Ni Una Menos, the Socialist Workers’ Movement (MST), the Las Rojas group and the Central of Argentine Workers (CTA).

They warn that victims of gender violence are forced to return to their aggressors due to the dismantling of the Acompañar Program

Nine years after the historic march of Ni una Menos, the budget reduction of the different official programs generates a dramatic situation. The ELA organization warns that victims of abuse are no longer asking for help because the State does not respond and Amnesty International maintains that the economic crisis and hate speech deepen the violence.

In 2017, the late Mother of Plaza de Mayo Nora Cortiñas was one of the speakers of Ni Una Menos (NA Photo: Mariano Sánchez)

This Monday marks nine years since the historic mobilization “Not one less”made on June 3, 2015, which changed history from Argentina, Latin America and the world because it raised the voices of women against sexual abuse, gender violence and femicide. It was the march of the word because no one wanted to leave the square and the girls, the grown-ups, the daughters, the granddaughters, the grandmothers, told the stories that they had always kept silent about and that, from that moment on, formed a hurricane of stories, protests and demands.

Femicides: the numbers that worry in Argentina

The slogan “Ni Una Menos”, which became a symbol of the fight against gender violence in our country (Archive/Julieta Ferrario)

Between January and May of this year there were already 127 victims of femicide. 152 days, 127 people murdered for being women, for being lesbians, for being transvestites/transaccording to the latest report from the Femicide Observatory directed by the La Casa del Encuentro Civil Association.

“Data collected since 2014 show considerable stability in direct femicide rates. From an initial figure of 1.03 direct victims of femicide per 100,000 women in 2014, it rose to 1.05 in 2023, with only slightly lower levels in 2021 (0.99) and 2022 (0.96). Taking into account the possible underreporting of the first years and subsequent updates, in these 10 years at least 2,446 direct victims of femicidean average of almost 245 per year,” highlights the National Registry of Femicide that the Supreme Court of Justice released this Friday.

Between January and May of this year there were already 127 victims of femicide

With complaints to the Government, they carry out a new Ni una menos march: places and times

Nine years after the first protest, a woman continues to be murdered every 35 hours in Argentina. The march will be today starting at 4:30 p.m. in Congress. In addition, there will be events in other cities in the country

By Mariana Fernandez Camacho

In 88% of the femicides that occurred in 2023, the victim knew the aggressor (@losperrosjueganpara siempre)

Today they killed a woman in Argentina. Tomorrow they are going to kill another one. And so on every 35 hours. Between January and May of this year there were already 127 victims of femicide. 152 days, 127 people murdered for being women, for being lesbians, for being transvestites/transaccording to the latest report from the Femicide Observatory directed by the La Casa del Encuentro Civil Association.


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