María Emilia Soria, mayor of Roca, got into the controversy over Milei’s food: “It is very serious”

The mayor of Rock, Maria Emilia Soriavisited this Monday the studios of BLACK RIVER RADIO on the occasion of special transmission by the 3J Not One Less. The community leader spoke about the situation in the national context, she got into the food controversy of the government of Javier Milei and gave details of the current panorama facing the municipality.

Listen to María Emilia Soria on RÍO NEGRO RADIO

«We are living in a different current situation, if we analyze the last nine years in perspective, in some way there was a radical change. A worrying change (in relation to the assumption of Javier Milei in the Presidency), but ultimately a change. For me, the total displacement of the State is tremendously negative. I must say that it worries me because We have had 127 femicides in these five months of Government, and some in the city of General Roca«Soria began by saying in his reflection on the date of 3J.

He also pointed out that, with the leadership of La Libertad Avanza, women are the most affected. «The State is absent more now, they go for pensions, disability contributions. In the middle are women, not only families, not only children, but also women«he added.

Soria specified that given the complex economic situation, members of the most vulnerable sectors are going to «knock on the door of the municipality» and they tell them their sufferings: «When an answer cannot be given, you will not find it walking to Milei. They will find the mayor entering a supermarket or hanging out in the square with the kids. There they tell you the difficulties they are having«.

María Emilia Soria gave her opinion on the food scandal in Javier Milei’s government

«More and more people are coming to a community center to ask for financial assistance, which previously came from another source or was not necessary.“he detailed in reference to the requests for assistance received by the local Executive.

He highlighted that the demands changed. Before the requests were for construction materials and Now it’s for food. «Given the collapse of the National State, we cannot replace that economic assistance. But let it be clear, the help in our case is detailed with a file, with details of when was the last time that person requested help. We have very precise control and we also have another aspect because the support is not only the food module or economic assistance, but there is support«He pointed out in a chicanery mode against the Government of Javier Milei, which is involved in the controversy over the use of food storage.

Regarding the conflict unleashed around the management of the Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, Soria expressed: «Hiding behind alleged theft, embezzlement of funds or irregularities does not allow you to have food that is close to expiring. Especially when there are girls and boys who are having a tremendously bad time. It is very sad to have food stored, milk about to expire. The truth that worries«.

María Emilia Soria spoke about public works in Roca: “Only for prisons”

Soria commented that he recently traveled to Buenos Aires in order to start talks to resume the paralyzed works in the city. According to the community leader, The response he received was negative.

«Last week I was knocking on doors, worried about the public works that are paralyzed in the city of General Roca. They directly told me that the only resources available were for prisons. I was paralyzed. The truth is that it is a model that people chose, so I am going to be respectful of that, but it clearly goes against what my neighbors here in the city demand of me,” he said.

Finally, Soria assured that they are analyzing alternatives to be able to resume some of the works that are more advanced. However, he avoided giving more details about it.

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