Diario La Rioja: President in Mexico

Diario La Rioja: President in Mexico
Diario La Rioja: President in Mexico

The victory of Claudia Sheinbaum as the new president of Mexico with almost double the votes of the center-right candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Whose tenacity of decades of markedly personal political action to break on the left the systemic alternation between the PRI and the PAN has ended up curdling into a legacy that Sheinbaum will have the opportunity to consolidate and, if necessary, transmit for many years. Only if during his first term he maintains the advantage obtained on June 2. The legacy received from AMLO is a kind of identity-based social democracy, which has proven capable of mitigating existing social differences in a country of 130 million inhabitants, also immense in its diversity. But it is not clear that the design resulting from countless measures, often contradictory, when directing public resources forms an alternative welfare model in the heart of America. “I’m not going to fail you.” “We will move forward together.” These are the inspiring messages with which Claudia Sheinbaum yesterday thanked the congratulations of ideologically close Latin American leaders and organizations related to her purposes. It will not be able to fail the most vulnerable, without ignoring those many other thousands of Mexicans who demand public aid. But in no case will it be able to close the way to investment in the immensity of opportunities that Mexico represents.

Sheinbaum greeted her elected presidency by proclaiming that “it is time for women.” In Mexico, two women are murdered a day just for being one. The most soulless and pathological expression of an immense country, in which life seems infinite, exuberant, and at the same time seems nothing. Not even Claudia Sheinbaum will be able to naturalize the duality between acceptable macro results with an electoral process that involved more political murders than ever. The elected president of Mexico is a hope in many ways. Also when correcting AMLO’s most identity-based and revisionist discourse, to seek a better understanding with Spain and the European Union. Because only in this way can Sheinbaum’s Mexico aspire to be the hinge of an America of the future.

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