Marcelo Santana: “I see a Regional Government out of tune with emergencies”

Marcelo Santana: “I see a Regional Government out of tune with emergencies”
Marcelo Santana: “I see a Regional Government out of tune with emergencies”

The former mayor of Río Ibáñez and current candidate for governor spoke with Diario Regional Aysén.

The political world was surprised when the former mayor of Río Ibáñez and former president of the Regional Association of Municipalities (Aremu), Marcelo Santana, announced his resignation to seek new political paths, all this in the election year, for the same reason, it did not surprise when he announced his candidacy for regional governor.

Santana has the experience of having been a regional councilor and mayor of his commune for seven years and he described the latter as “an enriching experience,” but why is he willing to be a candidate for governor? He himself answers that question in an interview with Aysén Regional Newspaper.

“I was calm as mayor with the support of 70 percent that I had in the last election. I could easily apply for another term; However, I encountered countless situations that led me to rethink what my future was as a politician and manager so that things work out,” he said.

Santana said that in his functions as president of the Aremu he collided several times with a stopping stone to achieve solutions to problems in the communes and said that that stone was the Regional Government of Aysén itself.

“I see a regional government a little out of tune with the region’s emergencies, concerned more with spending than investment, with little connection with the private sector and the productive unions of Aysén. Something is happening that there is a leadership that is harmful to the region, that is not doing it good and that prevents things from working out,” he emphasized.

Santana, from Aremu, came to the conclusion that there is little willingness to resolve the issues that, as he expressed, the municipalities are interested in.

He added that to reach concrete solutions we must seek support from external experiences to accelerate projects where “we were not listened to by the governor,” Santana noted.

“If I am lucky to be elected, I believe that there will not be any project that can be financed. Things can be done better and there is a lack of management capacity,” said the candidate.


Marcelo Santana added that it is not just criticism and that he presents a program with eight axes. “Aysén lacks a good plan and it must be equipped with all the diagnoses that exist and things that must be resolved and that plan must be built with the communities and the productive sector. “That has led us to conflicts like what happened with the Regional Coastal Edge Use Council,” he said.

Another axis that he indicated was that there are no regulatory plans in the communes and he believes that this is serious. “You end up eating up agricultural land in the end or you clash with the development of coastal and rural sectors of the region,” he said.

Regarding the fiscal budget, Santana was even more emphatic. “The region cannot afford to return 30 billion pesos to Santiago with the number of truncated dreams that exist in the different communes of the Aysén Region,” he said.

The promotion of sports is another axis that Santana would like to implement and he added that he is considering building 15 soccer stadiums in the region and helping elite athletes and the other thing that interests him is finding solutions to connectivity problems.

“It cannot be that the voice of the region, which is Gore and the mayors, are absent from the demand for connectivity and I would like to be the governor who demands that this be fulfilled, just as the President proposed when he visited our region” . he said he.

“Regarding the program for outstanding athletes, it is not possible for them to continue doing bingo or raffles. It is not possible that they cannot go to events because they do not have resources” and he recalled cases such as that of the triathlete Vanessa Garrido.

Most of the candidate’s statements can be searched on the website

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