They beat him to death in a cafeteria in Yarumal, Antioquia

They beat him to death in a cafeteria in Yarumal, Antioquia
They beat him to death in a cafeteria in Yarumal, Antioquia

A man was beaten to death after a violent argument in a cafeteria located in the municipality of Yarumal.

The deceased, I was identified as Javier IC

According to preliminary reports, the deceased was in the establishment when he began an argument with another subject.

During the altercation, a third individual at the scene struck Javier.

In response, Javier received a punch in the eye, which caused him to fall and suffer a severe blow when he hit the ground.

The injured man was taken to a hospital in the municipality where he was treated and later transferred to a more complex care center, where he unfortunately died due to the injuries suffered, mainly from bumps and bruises.

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Judicial personnel arrived to carry out a technical inspection of the body and also begin an investigation to find those responsible.

Despite the seriousness of the incident, no arrests have been made so far.

The authorities continue with the investigations to clarify the facts and determine the corresponding responsibilities in this event in the municipality of Yarumal.

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