Borré: “The team’s mentality has always been to win”

Borré: “The team’s mentality has always been to win”
Borré: “The team’s mentality has always been to win”

The Colombian National Team continues to prepare for the Copa América 2024. After a new day of work at the headquarters of the Colombian Football Federation in Barranquilla, the national team finalizing details for its first friendly match in which it will face the United States, next Saturday, June 8 at Commanders Field in Maryland.

There is a great atmosphere in the group of those summoned. The internal competition has served as motivation for the National Team to continue growing and to maintain the good level it is having. That’s how he mentioned it Rafael Santos Borré, who in the last media attention referred to the objectives that the Tricolor has for the tournament.

Likewise, he highlighted the good rapport they have had as a group, which has helped them maintain the idea of ​​being an “offensive, competitive team that always goes out to win.” In addition, he referred to the pressure that Colombia may have in the Copa América, thanks to the undefeated record with which it arrives.

Borré, motivated in the National Team

Competition in the forwards: “It is good for Colombia to have many alternatives and forwards in a good moment, that makes the National Team feel strong and with a lot of confidence on the offensive side, we are confident that we have to work and show to be within the National Team, after It will be up to the teacher, who decides who will be in the Cup, but we are all with the mentality of giving our best for these first friendlies.”

Team atmosphere: “The group has been having that harmony and communion since the process began, we knew that we would have to be this united to be able to compete and achieve important things, that has not changed anything. This is how we face this new cycle, the competition is good because there are players with a lot of quality and hierarchy, that means there is internal competitiveness.”

Is Colombia a favorite in the Copa América?: “The pressure is always there, we always have the requirement to be competitive to win. In this new path with the teacher, the team’s mentality has always been to go out and win against any rival and team, this tournament is not going to be the exception. We know that it is going to be a difficult tournament in which we have to focus first on the friendly duels, on preparing well and then the first match is key because that also shows what the path will be like in the Cup.”

Team offensive behavior: “We have been feeling good and comfortable, the last few games have left us with good feelings, on an offensive level we are doing well, we are a team that creates many situations, that has very good possession of the ball and that we are generating situations for our attackers, so in that “So we are fine and calm.”

Pressure for the undefeated: “We have been able to take it and assimilate it, as the teacher said, we go game by game. We know that nowadays football is very changing and any team can surprise you. If you let yourself be confused by the undefeated issue, it can affect you in a match. Our mentality is in the duel right now against the United States and that is how we are going to experience it in the Cup where it will not change.”

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