India sends 90 tons of pharmaceutical aid to Cuba

Editorial of CubitaNOW ~ Monday June 3, 2024

India has sent 90 tonnes of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to Cuba in an effort to alleviate the drug crisis facing the island. This shipment includes a variety of APIs essential for the production of generic medicines, necessary to treat diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and various infections.

The shipment, valued at millions of dollars, is the result of a collaboration between the Indian government and several pharmaceutical companies in the country. This aid seeks to improve access to medicines in Cuba, where shortages have worsened due to the COVID-19 pandemic and international economic sanctions.

Cuba has faced serious difficulties in maintaining an adequate supply of medicines, seriously affecting its population. International aid has become crucial in this context, and India’s shipment represents significant support for the Cuban health system. The Cuban Ministry of Public Health has expressed its gratitude, highlighting that these ingredients will allow the production of vital medicines for the population.

The international community and humanitarian aid organizations have praised this gesture by India. The World Health Organization (WHO) has underlined the importance of access to medicines as a fundamental right and urged more countries to follow India’s example.

This shipment could be the beginning of closer collaboration between India and Cuba in the health sector. Both nations have shown interest in continuing to work together to address common challenges and improve public health. India’s strong pharmaceutical industry is positioned as a key ally for Cuba, providing not only ingredients, but also the technology and knowledge necessary for the long-term sustainable production of medicines.

In summary, the delivery of 90 tons of APIs to Cuba by India is a significant step towards strengthening the island’s drug production capacity and a clear example of international solidarity. This cooperation is essential to guarantee the well-being of the most vulnerable populations, not only in Cuba, but throughout the world.

For more details about this news, you can read the full article at [Times of India](

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