Álvaro Leyva says that former President Santos would send a letter to the United Nations ‘so that an essential part of the peace agreement is unknown’

Álvaro Leyva says that former President Santos would send a letter to the United Nations ‘so that an essential part of the peace agreement is unknown’
Álvaro Leyva says that former President Santos would send a letter to the United Nations ‘so that an essential part of the peace agreement is unknown’

In the midst of the controversy that has generatedThe interpretation of former Foreign Minister Álvaro Leyva that the peace agreement would allow for a constituent assembly without having to go through Congress (as established by the Constitution), now the former official claims to have information that the former president Juan Manuel Santos would present a letter to the United Nations, UN, to ignore part of what was signed in 2016.

They tell me that former President Santos could send a letter to the United Nations so that an essential part of the peace agreement he signed is unknown.. That would be forgetting that the person who represents the State today is not him, but Gustavo Petro. “He wants to take our future away from us but he won’t be able to,” Leyva said this Monday on her X account.

Juan Manuel Santos, former president of Colombia.


When the thesis was put on the table that the peace agreement with the extinct FARC opened the door to the calling of a constituent assembly in the event of non-compliance with the agreement, the former president between 2010 and 2018 flatly rejected this idea.

Using the peace agreement with the FARC to call a constituent assembly is absurd“Said Santos. He then pointed out that this was one of the “red lines” that was maintained.

“The theory that the agreement is a special agreement that the contracting parties can modify also has no legal basis because special agreements presuppose that the conflict between the parties continues and that was not the case between the State and the FARC,” added the former president. who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Álvaro Leyva and Gustavo Petro.


Santos recalled that a constituent assembly “can only be convened” using the mechanisms enshrined in the Constitution, which is the processing of an ordinary law in Congress to begin this process, which includes a review by the Constitutional Court and a call to the polls so that the country decides whether it wants a process of this nature or not.

Since Leyva reappeared in the public sphere on May 23 after his departure from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he has assumed this theory. And a few days ago, President Petro announced his intention to go to the headquarters of the United Nations to denounce the failure of the State to comply with the Agreement.

This Saturday, June 1, from Santa Bárbara de Pinto, Magdalena, the president noted that What was signed (in Havana) is a “unilateral declaration of State”which “It is not a constituent as they say to scare naive people.” but “a commitment that forces us all to keep a word that the head of State pledged to humanity under an official and signed declaration.”

President Gustavo Petro.


Likewise, the President asserted that a nation cannot be built from hatred and it was at that moment that he sent a message to the former Colombian presidents: “That is why How sad it is to me that former presidents of the Republic publicly express themselves against the idea of ​​a national agreement when they themselves signed that commitment before humanity”.

In an interview with Cambio, the head of state was asked about the possibility of using the peace agreement to convene a constituent assembly and he stated: “Do not take me (the journalist) to a topic that I have not mentioned. “You want to take me to the issue of the constituent assembly, when that is just a means of expression that can be used or not and that has methods to be convened.”


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