Strike continues at the Ministry of Labor; convene dialogue table

Strike continues at the Ministry of Labor; convene dialogue table
Strike continues at the Ministry of Labor; convene dialogue table

The Strike Committee of the union organizations protesting at the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor, announced that they will continue with the peaceful demonstrations and the cessation of activities at the national level and called a meeting with the Minister of Labor, Gloria Inés Ramírez, for this Tuesday starting at 8:00 in the morning at the facilities of the Ministry of Labor.

The union leaders affirmed that they hope that in this meeting an important social dialogue will be achieved, which will allow progress in compliance with the commitments of the labor agreement that has been breached by the government.

“The Strike Committee exalts the commitment of all public servants of the Territorial Directorates, Special Offices and Municipal Inspections of the Ministry of Labor, which have been exercising the legitimate right to strike since 0:00 a.m. on May 31, 2024,” they indicated.

Read more: MinTrabajo asks that strikers not block the entrances to the entity’s headquarters

They pointed out that it is important to keep the demonstration peaceful and not allow the protest to be affected by other political interests.

“A call is made not to allow the administration’s unfounded and mistaken media attacks to delegitimize our just requests through which they seek to dignify the work within the entity, as well as demanding compliance with our rights”, they stated.

The union organizations stated that taking into account that on May 30, 2024, given the administration’s refusal to recognize the union organizations that are part of the strike committee, they are waiting for some important actions to be defined. to exercise the right to strike and the work of those who are not in the protest.

“We are pending establishing the contingency plan that will allow us to guarantee minimum services aimed at safeguarding the vital needs of the population, as well as those of the entity, we consider appropriate in harmony with international labor protection standards, again and for the fourth time. time”, they emphasize.

The leaders of the 14 union organizations, the Ministry of Labor, They also rejected the statements of the Minister of Labor, Gloria Inés Ramírez, considering that they transgress international conventions, the Political Constitution and the law.

“We see that the minister is constituting conduct typical of acts that violate the right of association and freedom of association, ignoring the constitutional protection of the peaceful exercise of the strike attributable to the employer, for failure to comply with its obligations,” they stressed.

They pointed out that a permanent dialogue table was also set up by the Minister of Labor where the Strike Committee is unknown.

“All the union organizations that signed the agreements have been summoned”, which delegitimizes the Strike process, since it grants representation to union organizations that do not share the feelings of the majorities when voting for the strike, and only represent the interests of the administration, as well as the interests of minorities,” they noted.

In turn, they asked Minister Gloria Inés Ramírez, move from rhetoric to compliance.

“Management is of no use if we do not have results regarding the obvious breaches of the agreements signed by this ministry in its administration and the union organizations representing the workers,” they maintained.

They explained that the delivery of school kits, as well as the issuance of administrative acts (Resolutions 1435 of May 14, 2024 and 2007 of May 30, 2024), for analysis in the Ministry of Labor, had been in the office for several months without being resolved.

“For many months, desperately, only evidence in the timeline, the little or no administrative management, we understand the multiple occupations regarding the processing of social reforms, however, do not sympathize with reality that they are the public servants who will have at their expense the implementation and verification of compliance with them, those of us who have to assume the worst part and without decent conditions.

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Therefore, they pointed out that dialogue is important and requested an end to the attacks by the Minister of Labor that violate the right to strike.

“The Strike Committee invites all public servants of the Ministry of Labor, to continue exercising the legitimate right to strike and calls on the administration headed by Minister Gloria Inés Ramírez to cease the unfounded and mistaken media attacks that delegitimize our just requests through which they seek to dignify the work within the entity,” they point out.

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