Cuba and the Dominican Republic will strengthen relations in higher education

Cuba and the Dominican Republic will strengthen relations in higher education
Cuba and the Dominican Republic will strengthen relations in higher education

This was reported by the heads of both institutions, Dr. Franklin García, from Mescyt, and Walter Baluja, from MES, when signing the document, which also contemplates the identification of areas of common interest to enable the exchange of information, promote research, projects academics, conferences and symposiums.

The agreement also contemplates joint training and specialization projects based on reciprocity and mutual benefit.

Likewise, it contains the bases for executing student and teaching mobility programs, as well as the exchange of university scholarships.

In addition, it integrates exchanges between Higher Education institutions of Cuba and the Dominican Republic interested in participating in the development of educational and scientific specialization programs.

“I am pleased to welcome the fact that our country and the Republic of Cuba have reached the conclusion of this memorandum of understanding, whose signature and implementation leads to the improvement of the higher education systems of both nations in an area of ​​benefit. common and mutual respect, as the immense José Martí and the Generalissimo Máximo Gómez would have wanted,” highlighted García Fermín.

The Dominican minister indicated that he is convinced that this Memorandum is timely, convenient and beneficial for the highest level educational systems in both countries.

Meanwhile, Minister García highlighted the satisfaction of the Government of Cuba in signing this agreement with a country with which the Caribbean island has real relations of history, brotherhood and struggle.

We must bring our work closer in terms of postgraduate studies, science, professional training and strengthen cooperation alliances between our universities, but the most important thing is to maintain brotherhood to face the challenges that life can present us, said the academic.

The signing of the memorandum of understanding was attended by the vice ministers of Mescyt, José Cancel, Carmen Evarista Matías, Paula Disla and María López Polanco, as well as the director of the Cabinet, Juan Medina.

Ambassador Ángel Arzuaga attended for Cuba; the director of International Relations, María Victoria Villavicencio; the rectors of the University of Havana, Miriam Nicado García, of Pedagogical Sciences Enrique José Verona; Milda Lesbia Diaz and the head of the Department of Academic Doctors, Liliana Reyes.


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