The inconsistencies in the Government records and the only picketer who received 166 tons of merchandise

The inconsistencies in the Government records and the only picketer who received 166 tons of merchandise
The inconsistencies in the Government records and the only picketer who received 166 tons of merchandise


Since the controversy broke out over the food collected by the Ministry of Human Capital Despite the economic crisis and the indicators that indicate an increase in poverty and destitution, a series of inconsistencies between what the Government communicated about the merchandise stored in Villa Martelli and Tucumán, what was done with those products and what it reported to Justice. This documentation, which you accessed THE NATIONsheds light on the policy that has been implemented by the management of Sandra Pettovello around the stock, different from what was announced in recent weeks.

Firstly, and despite the fact that it was said that the products stored there were intended for specific emergencies and would be used in specific situations, the truth is that the management of Javier Milei Yeah distributed food to institutions, most of them religiouswhile cut off shipments to social organizations. All but one.

From the list of merchandise expenditures sent by the Government to the court of Sebastian Casanello A first conclusion emerges: from December 18 to March 22, Capital Humano made periodic food deliveries to some entities. They were made 388 distributions labeled as “non-governmental emergencies”, for a total of 933,861 kilos, and 59 for “governmental emergencies”, with 198,630 kilos. As of March 23, however, there are no more outflows from deposits recorded.

Sandra Pettovello and Pablo De la Torre, in a meeting in February

Deliveries made by “non-governmental emergencies” make an interesting point. During these months, there were practically no deliveries to picketing organizations. Most of it was made to affiliates of religious organizations or organizations linked to the Catholic Church and other faiths, Cáritas, the Conin Foundation, parishes, pastoral councils, bishoprics and ecclesiastical civil associations. However, there’s an exception. There was only one cooperative of a social movement that received food and, in addition, was individually the entity that received the most merchandise. This is the Independent Movement of Retirees and Unemployed (MIJD) – today renamed as the Left Youth Dignity Movement –, of Raul Castells.

The branches of that cooperative received deliveries on four occasions: on December 18, January 12, 22 and 23, in different locations in the country. In total, they were shipped to their locations 166,500 kilos of food. THE NATION He contacted Castells, who confirmed the information, but said he did not know why his organization was an exception. “Maybe it’s because we don’t have any complaints against us. “I never communicated with any official of this Government”, he stated, and insisted on his differences with the libertarian administration. Castells was the subject of controversy last year when, during the presidential campaign, a series of lootings occurred throughout the country. The leader assumed responsibility for having encouraged them.

Raul CastellsFabian Marelli

Regarding other civil organizations, in quantity they follow the MIJD the Bishopric of Lomas de Zamora and that of Lanus/Avellaneda, with 40,600 kilos each. On the other hand, directly, they only sent food to three soup kitchens: Children of Light and Hope Kitchen (1,100 kilos), Pasito a Pasito for a Better World Kitchen (1,500 kilos) and the San Cayetano Kitchen (6,950 kilos). As entire organizations, distributed in different legal entities, Cáritas received 218,065 kilos, Conin 43,230 kilos and the different parishes, 161,701 kilos.

Regarding “government emergencies”, The provincial government to which the most food was delivered was that of Salta. Distributed in different offices, they received 41,108 kilos of the 198,000, almost a quarter of the total. Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Corrientes, Santa Fe and Misiones were the only other recipient provinces. On the other hand, the municipality where the most merchandise was sent was not one of the most populated and poorest in the suburbs, but Pinamarwith 24,370 kilos. There were 26 municipalities that received food. The list continues with Escobar, San Miguel, Almirante Brown, Berisso, Campana, Rauch, Morón, San Antonio de Areco, Dolores and Humauaca, among others.

Total, The Government distributed 1,132,491 kilos of food between December and March. This is about a sixth of what it has stored at this moment, which is exactly 3,627,815 kilos in Villa Martelli and 2,275,172 in Tafí Viejo, a total of 5,902,987 kilosthat is, almost six thousand tons of food.

In recent weeks, however, it was reported that the total was five tons and that 60% of what was stored was yerba mate. From the analysis carried out by THE NATION It can be concluded that of the total of almost six tons, 52% corresponds to grass, 22% to different types of oil, 16% to powdered milk, 6% to legumes, 2% to tomato puree and 1 % to peanut paste. The rest is distributed between locro, rice, flour and raisins.

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