The spicy crossover between Victoria Villarruel and Juan Grabois: “You offend God,” the vice president told him

The spicy crossover between Victoria Villarruel and Juan Grabois: “You offend God,” the vice president told him
The spicy crossover between Victoria Villarruel and Juan Grabois: “You offend God,” the vice president told him

The vice president Victoria Villarruel He went to the intersection with the social leader Juan Grabois. “Have dignity,” the official told the opposition leader.

Grabois published a long text on the social network X (formerly Twitter) with criticism of the president’s defense Javier Milei to the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello. “Javier Milei, the defense of the indefensible reveals the unviable way in which your government operates: the fault always lies with the other, the bad guys are all those who are not in your favor and those who are in your favor, even if they are dirtier than a potato, they begin to swell ‘the forces of heaven,'” the social leader wrote in a text titled “There is no worse blind man than he who does not want to see.”

At another time, Grabois He made reference to different milestones of the Catholic religion. “Once you offended Pope Francis and asked for forgiveness. Right there. Now you are offending someone greater than the Pope, you are offending Jesus who is hungry and you did not feed him, who is cold and you did not shelter him… and “What you did not do for the least of my brothers, you did not do for me.”

This aroused the anger of Villarruel. “You offend God when you take His Holy Name in vain. You offend when you use the poor to profit from them and do politics,” the vice began with his message in X.

Grabois responded to the president for his defense of Minister Pettovello.

“You offend when you accuse upright people of conspiring against the President knowing that you lie cleverly. Stop using us Catholics and our Faith to argue and exist politically,” he remarked and closed: “Have dignity Grabois“.

The social leader’s message was in response to the president Javier Mileiwho defended the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, due to the scandal generated by the alleged fraudulent contracts and undelivered food.

“The attacks on Pettovello reveal the miserable way in which politics operates. They detect a noble cause and behind it they build a mountain of corruption kiosks,” Milei said.


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