Dry eyes? Five very easy exercises to combat eye strain and pain when blinking

Dry eyes are a common problem that occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears, which are responsible for maintaining necessary moisture. Although it can be treated quicklydry eyes can be uncomfortable and cause itching and pain.

One of the most effective ways to prevent or control dry eyes is through specific exercises. And here we tell you what they are.

1- Intentional blinking:

This exercise involves deliberately blinking every 20 seconds for at least 20 minutes. Blinking regularly is crucial to keeping your eyes moist, especially when looking at a screen.

2- Eye rotations:

To perform this exercise, close your eyes and do circular rotations in both directions for a few minutes a day. This helps lubricate the eyes naturally.

3- Visual pauses:

Every 20 minutes, take your eyes off the screen and look into the distance for 20 seconds. This practice not only relieves dry eyes but also reduces visual stress.

4- Zig zag movements:

With your eyes closed, move your eyeballs in a zigzag pattern. This exercise is simple and effective in relieving dryness.

5- Complete flashes:

This exercise is very easy: close your eyes completely, keep them closed for a few seconds, open them and repeat the process until you feel relief. It’s a simple way to keep your eyes hydrated.

Incorporating these exercises into your daily routine can help keep your eyes hydrated and reduce discomfort caused by dry eyes. They are easy to do and can make a big difference, especially if you spend a lot of time in front of screens.

If these pains persist, it is necessary to consult with a medical professional.

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