La Niña phenomenon begins to affect key megahighways in Colombia

La Niña phenomenon begins to affect key megahighways in Colombia
La Niña phenomenon begins to affect key megahighways in Colombia
The rains have affected various roads in Colombia, particularly the Transversal del Sisga, as revealed by the concession in charge. Photo: El Sisga Concession

The La Niña phenomenon, which is characterized by a considerable increase in rainfall, It is already beginning to affect megahighways that are key for traffic in Colombia.

In fact, in various regions, citizens are beginning to feel the effect of rainfall, which is reflected in longer travel times and complications in getting around.

This has also impacted cargo transporters and farmers, who have seen how their cargo takes longer to reach destinations.

With this in mind, the National Government launched a strategy to mitigate the effects of the La Niña Phenomenon on Colombia’s megahighways.

Megahighways in Colombia affected by the La Niña Phenomenon

The Minister of Transportation, William Camargo, assured that they seek to anticipate closures and respond in a timely and rapid manner when these situations arise.

Thus, the plan includes defining and communicating the restrictions and alternatives that can be presented in the national corridors.

In any case, the official said that, first of all, “we must safeguard the lives of all our road users, ensuring priority attention and preparing for any emergency.”

In addition to the above, he revealed the megahighways that have already been closed due to the first rainy season in the country.

Sisga Transversal

Among these are the Cusiana Transversal, the El Sisga Transversal and the La Soberanía roadthe first being the ones that continue to present the most complications.

For example, currently, there is a total closure in the Sisga corridor, in the Macanal – Santa María section, due to constant landslides that have occurred at various points.

In some moments, it has even been possible to take an alternate path, but the mountain quickly blocks the road again.

Due to the above, the National Government assured that “There are some closing points that are being intervened by the concession and by the machinery”.

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Cusiana Cross

On the other hand, in the Cusiana Transversal, which connects the departments of Boyacá and Casanare, it was determined that, uphill, the vegetation layer lost adherence due to the saturation that the rains generated during the last few days.

In practice, this generated rolling stock on the megaway, which It ended up falling on the roads and generated the current obstructions and closures.

In addition to the above, the deputy director of Invías, Juan Carlos Montenegro, called on transporters to comply with the restrictions that are posed by the authorities.

“Among the identifications that we were able to establish on the Cusiana Transversal, we observed that, despite the restrictions established for vehicles weighing more than 32 tons, there are some of them that are circulating“said the official.

And he explained that trucks with more than four axles are allowed to pass through there, as long as they are empty.

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