With a great call, the Ni Una Menos march was held in Jujuy

With a great call, the Ni Una Menos march was held in Jujuy
With a great call, the Ni Una Menos march was held in Jujuy

June 3, 2024 – 18:10 By Federico Franco

Today, June 3, 2024, marks 9 years since that day in 2015 when the first mass mobilization took place Not one less, which was organized after the femicide of Chiara Páez, the 14-year-old girl who was murdered by her ex-partner in the province of Santa Fe.

For that reason, and since that date, massive marches were held in every corner of the country to demand justice for femicides and gender violence. In the province of Jujuy, the rally was in Plaza Belgrano and from there hundreds of Jujuy residents walked through the central streets.

Under the motto “Enough hunger and repression, out with the liberticidal Government”, this demand was carried out.

Mumalá report from 2015 to 2024

According to the report issued by Mumalá, Since 2015, 2,348 women and dissidents have been murdered throughout the country. “These dramatic numbers also express the lack or limited public policies of the governments from which we demand a national emergency,” they say.

“Organized, in the streets, in assemblies and with the almost immediate reaction to the attacks on rights that have occurred since the beginning of the current government, they are the ones who, in addition, call for a massive and unified demonstration on June 3” , they indicated in the statement.

Likewise, they targeted the government of Javier Milei and Victoria Virraruel, indicating that “they constitute an attack on the Argentine people as a whole and in particular express their denial of gender violence, hatred of women and generic sexual dissidents.”

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