High school graduates will be able to enter the 2nd year of the faculty

High school graduates will be able to enter the 2nd year of the faculty
High school graduates will be able to enter the 2nd year of the faculty

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Photo: Mendoza Government Press

“This was launched based on the work of a group of teachers from technical schools together with a group of teachers from Higher Education institutes who agreed on the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the first year. These students directly enter the second year , and Evidence has shown that they have a better educational trajectory than those who come first ”he added.

It is worth highlighting the project carried out by 6th year teachers who worked with the higher level teachers of the aforementioned technical careers, allowing students of 6th year access the 2nd year of the technical courses.

Renewable energy

Cecilia Deblasi, rector of the 9-019 Insutec institute, in the City of Mendoza, expressed that the accreditation system for prior knowledge establishes equivalences so that high school students of Electromechanics and Mechanics can access the Renewable Energy degree in a differentiated way, directly studying 2nd and 3rd years.

“Students who come from technical schools save a year of study time. In our experience, it is strongly articulated with teachers at both levels, aiming at continuous training paths. At the end of this training, an intermediate certification is obtained, which is recognized by the College of Technicians of Mendoza to register as solar panel installers”.

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450 solar panels will be purchased for schools throughout the province.


For his part, Marcelo García, rector of IES 9-018 “Governor Celso Jaque”, said that together with the 4-018 Manuel Savio Technical School, both educational institutions in Malargüe, For two years now, students graduating from the technical mining modality have had their careers recognized. when they entered the institute.

“This recognition is to validate the entire first year of studying for the Higher Technician in Mining career so that it only takes two years.” “This recognition is to validate the entire first year of studying for the Higher Technician in Mining career so that it only takes two years.”

In this sense, he highlighted that Of 25 students who started, 14 young people continue their studies. “For Malargüe it is important to have these professional profiles.”

“Future developments will need graduates in this specialty. We must continue thinking about validating the trajectories of students from technical schools in other specialties that are necessary for the department,” García concluded.

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Carlos Vázquez, rector of the 9-008 Manuel Belgrano Institute, of Godoy Cruz, also based in Las Heras, maintained that the coordination of programming technicians between the Pablo Nogués Technical School and the institute It is developed thanks to the necessary articulations between the Directorate of Higher Education, the Pablo Nogués school and the institute itself.

Thirteen 6th year students study four or five months to then access the 2nd year of the technical degree. They are graduates of a technical college with a lot of knowledge and, with two more years of training, they obtain the title of technician in software development that enables them to work in companies,” he assured.

And he added: “You gain time and educational quality, we achieve young professionals who provide them with a bridge between the Secondary Level and the Higher Level, obtaining different certifications that endorse them so that they can practice their profession quickly.”

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