Quinteros and police chiefs from Cordoba participated in a national security meeting

The Minister of Security of the Province, Juan Pablo Quinteros, and police chiefs of Córdoba participated this Monday in the national security meeting that was held in the city of Mendoza. The event, attended by different provincial representatives from the same area, was chaired by the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich. Also present were the Ministers of Defense and Justice of the Nation, Luis Pietri and Mariano Cúneo Libarona, respectively.

At the meeting, Quinteros signed on behalf of the Government of Córdoba the act of adhesion for the creation of a Federal Security Council at Sports Events. In addition, the official offered the province of Córdoba as a venue for future meetings of the Internal Security Council.

The Second National Meeting of the Internal Security Council was held this Monday in the city of Mendoza and was attended by Security Ministers and Police Chiefs from all over the country.

The Córdoba delegation was made up of Minister Quinteros, who was accompanied by the chiefs of the Córdoba Police, Leonardo Gutiérrez, and the Anti-Drug Police Force (FPA), Adrián Salcedo. In addition, the delegation was made up of the Undersecretary of Operational Coordination, Walter Gómez, the Chief of Criminal Investigations of the Police, Alberto Bietti, and the standard bearers of the Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer Schools, cadets Augusto Gabriel Sanchez and Cristian Bencio.

The event took place in Mendoza and was attended by Security representatives and police chiefs from all over the country. (Government of Córdoba)

At the meeting, different thematic axes were addressed such as drug trafficking, control of chemical precursors, inhibitors, violence in football, training and violence prevention.

“Together with the Ministry of National Security we have been working hard, mainly in the fight against drug trafficking and in collaboration in criminal investigation, but also in other areas such as sports security,” said Quinteros.

“Every time we have a sporting event in Córdoba, through Cosedepro, we apply the Safe Tribune program, from which we have been able to detect people with administrative and judicial restrictions, and prevent them from entering the stadiums. Within the framework of these controls we have also been able to seize other objects such as drugs and firearms,” he noted.

The event took place in Mendoza and was attended by Security representatives and police chiefs from all over the country. (Government of Córdoba)


For his part, Bullrich referred to the need to work on the connection bill that allows each of the Argentine provinces to have “a connection between local justice and federal justice because very few cases begin and “They end up in the same place.”

“We cannot allow fentanyl laboratories to enter Argentina, because the most important health crisis that exists today in many European countries and in the United States. For that, we have to have a control network for chemical precursors,” he emphasized.

The minister also referred to crime prevention policies. On this point, he highlighted the federal digital ring, that is, the interconnection of all automotive control systems that “will be integrated into a digital ring system that will not only be seen by one province or another, but that we will to see absolutely everything to allow the traceability of vehicles with seizure requests and all types of vehicles that are transporting illegal materials. This is a step higher than what we have today. This federal digital ring is going to be really important to be able to move forward with much stricter control,” she explained.

Quinteros and Bullrich, during the meeting of the Internal Security Council that took place in Mendoza.
Quinteros and Bullrich, during the meeting of the Internal Security Council that took place in Mendoza.

Thefts with inhibitors

Regarding the increase in robberies with inhibitors, the minister pointed out that this new type of crime implies new forms of vehicle control that are not only with a dog to search for drugs. “We have to look for those devices. We have to adapt to that reality that we are seeing very often and for which we have more than 1,500 defendants of other nationalities who will be ready to be kicked out of the country,” she said.

“We are also working on the presentation of a federal security training strategy so that all security forces have equal standards,” highlighted the Minister of Security.

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