They work on the installation of a Provincial Museum System

They work on the installation of a Provincial Museum System
They work on the installation of a Provincial Museum System

The Undersecretary of Culture organized the First Meeting of the “Talk and Conversation about Museums” cycle, which arose after the Collaborative Exhibition of Regional Museums that has been on display since the beginning of May at the Rawson Provincial Cultural Center.

The talk had a wide participation of representatives from the main museums of the Lower Valley of the Chubut River, and also from Camarones, and lays the foundations for installing a Provincial Museum System in Chubut in the future.

The first of these meetings was attended by Matías Cales and Lorena Boyd, from the “Pueblo de Luis” Museum in Trelew; Marcos Carraza, from the “Aquavida” Regional Biodiversity Interpretation Center (Union Beach); Alejandra Pagani and Matías Cutro, from the “Egidio Feruglio” Paleontological Museum (MEF-Trelew) and Patricia Lorenzo, from the “1923” Museum of Union Beach.

María José Roccato and Alicia Marcus, from the Perón Family Museum, were also present. Shrimp; the former combatant Mario Enrique Jara of the Malvinas Soldier Museum of Rawson (belonging to the Malvinas Former Combatants Unit of the Province and one of those who promoted the project to create the museum); Ivana Barbudo and César Tutushima, from the Museum of Natural Sciences and Oceanography of Puerto Madryn; and Mario Cugura, from the Cultural Center for Memory, Truth and Justice of Trelewas well as General Director of Human Rights and Memory Policies of the Province.

The Undersecretary of Culture of Chubut, Osvaldo Labastié, led the call accompanied by the Undersecretary of Human Rights, Richard Alvarenga and the Director of Native Peoples, Matías Antieco, of the Ministry of Human Development.

On the occasion, the official thanked the governor of the Province for the support, and stressed that work will continue on three fundamental axes: Identity Protection, Accessibility to Culture and Vocational Awakening.

It is worth noting that in this sample and collective exhibition, which continues to be displayed in the different rooms and hallways of the Provincial Cultural Center in Rawson, there are historical pieces belonging to each of these exhibition spaces, as well as from the three provincial museums. Important documents belonging to the Provincial Historical Archive are also on display.

The Collective Exhibition of the different regional museums of our province can be visited by the general public with free admission from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Rawson Provincial Cultural Center, located at Federicci n°216.

The different schools in the province can schedule a guided tour by writing an email to [email protected]

That is the objective of the “Talk and Conversation about Museums” cycle, according to the Undersecretary of Culture of Chubut, Osvaldo Labastié, when welcoming the different references and members of the cultural spaces distributed in the Lower River Valley area. Chubut who attended the call.

Labastié expressed his satisfaction at being able to lead such an important meeting “with representatives from different exhibition areas linked to culture, the defense of identity and territorial promotion”, stressing that the objective is to begin to collectively build a new system of museums.

“Together we have to analyze what tools we have and which ones we can create to strengthen each of our exhibition spaces,” he said. Furthermore, he stressed that we must work mainly on beginning to address the new generations in a different way, to once again achieve “passion, build identity and establish audiences.”

To do this, “we must change the paradigm of waiting for the public to arrive at the museums,” said the Undersecretary of Culture, and explained “neighbors must be invited to attend, adapting the work modality to new technologies.”

“The idea of ​​this first conversation is to recognize the strengths of this exhibition group in this particular area, to plant a seed, which we have to pay among the entire province so that we can have a Provincial System of Museums and a network in the future. solid knowledge transfer,” concluded Labastié.

For his part, the General Director of the Rawson Provincial Cultural Center, Cristian Mistó, expressed that the objective of these meetings that will begin to take place is to generate a link with the museums “seeking knowledge and to know the many common points and problems that we have, to then think about policies that we can develop together.”

In this sense, he stated that from his space he plans to carry out different trainings to value our protection areas. “It is important not to work alone, but together so that all these spaces shine,” he concluded.

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