The La Pampa Painting 2024 Visual Arts Hall was inaugurated with about 30 works by artists from different parts of Argentina –

The artist Alejandro Gigli from Lanús, province of Buenos Aires, won the First Prize “Secretary of Culture of the province of La Pampa” with the work “Altar con Rayos”.

In the facilities of the Provincial Museum of Arts, the Secretary of Culture, Pablo Lucero Álvarez; the director of the Provincial Museum of Arts (MPArtes) Dante Bagatto and Matías Rach, director of Cultural Management of the Municipality of General Pico; They accompanied the awarded and selected artists last Friday at the awards ceremony corresponding to the Visual Arts Hall of the province of La Pampa, Painting Section, 2024 Edition of the National Call.
With a large audience present, they then proceeded to the formal opening of the exhibition made up of some 30 works by artists from various parts of the country from La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Mendoza and Misiones.

Dante Bagatto
The director of the Provincial Museum of Arts (MPArtes) Dante Bagatto expressed, “we are very happy to be inaugurating the first Hall of this year. It remains for me to thank everyone who participated in this call and especially congratulate those selected and awarded. This event not only represents a celebration of plastic creativity, but it is also a meeting between artists, friends, family and the entire community that recognizes art as an essential good for social development.”
When referring to the call, he emphasized high participation “the numbers surprised us, we have had more than 300 artists registered from the province of La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquén, Río Negro, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Fe, Tierra del Fuego and Tucumán.”
He highlighted that “we are beginning a historical rescue of the institution and planning different meetings with all the people who represent the Museum community, to write together the mission and vision of the institution; fundamental foot to continue projecting actions and thinking about the collection.”
Finally, he invited everyone to tour the rooms, talk with the artists present and browse the digital catalog through the link

Award-winning artist
Alejandro Gigli, winner of the first prize with the work “Altar con Rayos” expressed his joy at having received the news. “I am very happy and very grateful to be receiving this award.”
When asked about his work, he explained that it is an architectural geometry, “I work with perspective to achieve depths, suggestive spaces. For me, geometry is a construction method that helps me articulate the architectural with the enigmatic. It is a work where it seems that everything was premeditated due to its mathematical nature, but the reality is that the forms occur during the process. I am very interested in metaphysics, I believe that my painting has that character due to suspended spaces, of solitude. In particular, I see art as a space for introspection and self-knowledge.”

Visiting days and times
The 30 selected works that make up the 2024 Painting Salon can be visited until July 5, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. with free admission.
To coordinate school visits, call the landline 02954 42 7332.

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