The AFIDE Congress strengthens its academic strategy to show entrepreneurial and innovative potential – Paralelo32

The AFIDE Congress strengthens its academic strategy to show entrepreneurial and innovative potential – Paralelo32
The AFIDE Congress strengthens its academic strategy to show entrepreneurial and innovative potential – Paralelo32

The organization of the XII International Congress of Entrepreneurship and Innovation AFIDE Entre Ríos 2024 of the University of Salamanca (USAL) made progress last Friday, May 31, in different aspects linked to the academic strategy of the presentations that will be carried out during the event, which It will be held in September in Paraná.

The organizational meeting took place at the headquarters of the Paraná Technological Pole, at the entrance to the capital of Entre Ríos, where representatives from Entre Ríos universities and the private sector outlined the progress in each of the aspects of the Congress.

“We are convinced that this is going to be a great milestone for Entre Ríos. We are proud to belong to this Congress, with the aim of transcending the event,” reflected Salvador Celía, president of the institution hosting the meeting.

On this occasion, the plenary conversation revolved around the academic strategy of the Congress. The criteria were shared to evaluate the volume of works that will be exhibited during the international event and June 24 was set as the extension date for the presentation of abstracts.

Likewise, there was discussion about the continuity of the dissemination strategy through different channels, among other aspects. On this point, the impact of the presentation held in Buenos Aires was highlighted and new communication possibilities in the country and social networks were evaluated.

In another order, the progress linked to logistics and infrastructure of the event was shared, to which the arrival of more than 500 attendees from different provinces and other countries is expected. Congressional budget issues were also discussed.

It should be noted that the event has the collaborative work of the National University of Entre Ríos (UNER), the Autonomous University of Entre Ríos (Uader), the Paraná Regional National Technological University (UTN), the Adventist University of Plata (UAP) and the Argentine Catholic University (UCA) Paraná, with the imprint of Héctor Motta as a graduate and commissioner of AFIDE in Argentina, in addition to the support of companies and institutions.

The main objective of the Congress, which will bring together businessmen, academics, entrepreneurs and students during four days of intense meetings, is to “improve and optimize the existing conditions of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the region, generate an exchange with speakers from around the world, in a round trip powerful, stimulating and innovative.”

Also participating in the meeting were Alejandro Carrere, dean of the UTN Paraná; Marcelo Agolti, dean of UCA Paraná; Evelyn Molina, coordinator of AFIDE 2024; Alfonsina Kohan, Academic Secretary of Uader; Gabriel Gentiletti, Secretary of Science and Technology of the Rectorate of UNER; Alejandra Morales, secretary of Technological Linkage and Innovation at the Faculty of Engineering of UNER; Gustavo Tarragona, director of the Department of Political Science and International Relations of UCA Paraná; Adriana Geier, Marketing Coordinator at UCA Paraná; Horacio Casali, director of Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at UAP; Arturo Finis, vice-rector of Communication and Institutional Relations of UAP; Matías Ruiz, Uader teacher; in addition to Joel Lifschitz, Santiago Romero Ayala and Judith Russo, from the Paraná Technological Pole.

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