Young people fight and strengthen their ventures in Nariño

Young people fight and strengthen their ventures in Nariño
Young people fight and strengthen their ventures in Nariño
Supporting economic initiatives in four municipalities of the department.

It should be noted that the process is financed by the European Union and the Camoes Institute of Portugal, so they seek to advance young entrepreneurs, for the moment they have begun to work with legally constituted associations in the municipalities of Buesaco, San Lorenzo, Tumaco and Taminango.

Increase milk production

In the municipality of Buesaco, north of Nariño, they strengthen the members of the El Bordoncillo Agricultural Association, where a silvopastoral system is implemented on the young people’s farm that will improve livestock feeding, increase milk production and contribute to the environment.

In that same town they also work with the Ecobuesaco Association, whose economic initiative is the production of Sacha Inchi seeds and the diversification of vegetables.

These aid for the two associations seek to strengthen work so that later they can generate employment and begin to improve their families’ economies.

Innovative proposals

In the municipality of San Lorenzo, the Asoporvenir Association materializes its economic idea with the creation of a certified nursery and a roaster that will serve to carry out this process in the municipality not only for that organization but for the community in general.

The youth association of the Lorenseña Family Network Alliance Las Gaviotas – Seed Guardians Network has as an initiative the creation of one two cafeterias which will offer a wide variety of drinks based on coffee, an innovative initiative for that municipality.

“We want to make ourselves known as a brand on different digital platforms and in the region,” said Julián López of the Asoporvenir Association of the municipality of San Lorenzo.

Coffee transformation

In the municipality of Taminango, two organizations are supported whose business idea is the processing of coffee and the raising of broiler chickens.

On the one hand, the Young Seeds of Tomorrow Association will begin the production and transformation of coffee in facilities acquired by loan that were adapted with the support of the Junt@s Project.

The initiative of the Youth Association of Charguayaco is the production of broiler chickens and for this, 5 sheds have been built so that this business idea can work and allow other employment opportunities in the Palobobo village of the municipality of Taminango.

Gastronomic tradition

For the municipality of Tumaco, the project supports four organizations whose business ideas are cocoa processing.

The Afromuvaras Youth Committee association of the San Luis Robles village has as its initiative the production of Guayacao, a sandwich that is produced from the combination of guava and cocoa and which is part of the gastronomic tradition of this area.

The Jóvenes Construyendo Futuro association, which is located in the Piñal Salado village, will produce table chocolate and 100% cocoa chocolate bars.

For its part, the Asopazcifico association located at kilometer 28 will receive support for the adaptation of cocoa drying rooms that will guarantee the production and sale of this product.

Finally, in the municipality of Tumaco, the Fundeipacifico association of the Bucheli village will receive support for the processing of cocoa.

Free technical training

The Junt@s Project, in addition to aid for the implementation of economic initiatives, has carried out several training processes in soft skills, organizational strengthening and leadership.

An agreement with the Sena offered 6 technicians who have already finished the theoretical stage and are in the practical or productive phase. This training was aimed at the participants of each benefit association as well as other young people from the communities who were interested in being part of this training process.

“The young people chose the technicians that will best serve them to strengthen their economic ventures and initiatives, thus the pertinent agreements were made with the Sena,” said César Mora.

In this sense, the young people studied technicians in livestock production, in agricultural production, in ensuring the quality of coffee on the farm, in ecological agricultural systems, in Accounting for Financial Operations, in agroindustrial in chocolate.

Finally, this project has a permanent presence in the territories and offers support and technical assistance to young people and their organizations.

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