Nation committed to reactivate funds for housing

Nation committed to reactivate funds for housing
Nation committed to reactivate funds for housing

June 4, 2024 – 00:02

The Minister of Housing and Urbanization, Fidel Sáenz, commented that the national government ordered the suspension of works to be lifted and would begin to send funds to continue the construction of homes. Although the Province continued with the policy of building houses with its own funds, it was at a slower pace depending on resources. He also highlighted the reactivation that can reverse the situation of 10 thousand layoffs in construction that have occurred since January. In addition, he pointed out that the recovery process of 80 homes that were uninhabited is advancing with the intention of allocating them to the families in need.

“We went to Buenos Aires and were received by the Secretary of Housing, Rodrigo Aybar. They explained to us the reason for the stoppage in the financing of public works that had been committed by the Nation. The commitment they made is that we begin to lift the suspension of the works, something that we had already been doing and paying for it, of course with provincial resources,” Sáenz announced in radio statements.

In this sense, I confirm that the Nation’s decision is to lift the suspension of the works and send the progress certificates to the Nation. “As these certificates are received, they were going to see the availability of money to begin paying them directly from the Nation,” he explained.

“For us it is a hope, which is quite positive, because to sustain investment in housing it is not enough only with the predisposition of a single sector of the State, in this case, the province. Concurrence in the investment of the Nation, the province and also the municipalities is needed. Here in Catamarca we did not stop public works, but we had been maintaining it at the possible pace for the province. Now if the Nation joins again, and we hope so, we will be able to return with full force to reactivate public works, which are so good not only for the results of the work itself but also for everything it generates. public works, which is the reactivation of the economy and the maintenance of employment,” he added.

In this framework, he explained the organization’s decision to increase fees in order to recover funds. “In times when the national government did not provide the necessary resources for the housing policy to be sustained, we are forced to improve the level of income. We are forced to raise the value of the fee, which we have raised from $55 thousand, at 85 thousand the highest and also at $55 and $35 the lowest,” he said.

In figures

Later, Sáenz estimated that there are a little more than 1,500 homes that were committed to national funds and another 1,050 correspond to those financed by the province.

“Everything that is the Marcolli subdivision, what is Army housing, housing for private sector workers, social housing, housing for professionals, bachelor housing, we are financing all of these operations with provincial resources. Then with the Nation we have everything which is Valle Chico, everything that is in the interior of the province and some homes in the south, which is another very important project that we have towards the south of the city, but not as far as Valle Chico,” he explained.

He added that the delivery of homes was not paralyzed and so far this year about 300 homes have been delivered in the province, despite the stoppage of public works. He announced that today they will deliver houses in Chumbicha and in the first days of July there will be 100 homes in the Capital.

He recovered

The minister added that they are continuing with the policy of recovering houses that were uninhabited and clarified that this was possible due to the collaboration of the people. 30 have already recovered and he estimates that it could reach 80.

Asked about the moratorium that the IPV had put into effect, he commented that it was “very good.”

“We have had support from 80, 90 percent of the people who for some reason were not paying for their housing and who have come to regularize it,” he said. In addition, he confirmed that on July 1, offers will begin to be received for the homes being built in the north of the city and that they will be delivered through a private tender.


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