The Government made its elimination official and is moving forward with the reform of the State

With this change in Ministries lawthe Government’s organizational chart will have seven ministries instead of the eight that had been announced at the beginning of the libertarian administration last December.

decree 484/2024 elimination of the Ministry of the Interior

The Government eliminated the Ministry of the Interior

The changes and variants in the regulations were reflected in the Decree 484/2024published in the Official bulletinwhich established as a first measure the abolition of the Ministry of the Interiora decision that was justified by “management reasons.”

In this way, as indicated in article 1 of the law, Franks and the other seven ministersinstead of eight, “will be in charge of the business of the Nation,” which includes the portfolios of Foreign Relations, International Trade and Worship; Defending; Economy; Justice; Security; Health; and Human Capital.

Then, article 2 of the document established that the new Chief of Staff will be assisted by two Vice Chiefs of Staff. One of them will be Executive and another from the Interiorboth may delegate powers and both will have the rank and hierarchy of ministers.

rolandi deputy chief cabinet

The regulations signed by Milei and his entire Cabinet established that the modifications to the Ministries law “they cannot be postponed for government management”.

For its part, Lisandro Catalán was made official “ad honorem” as Deputy Chief of Staff of the Interior after resigning from the position of Secretary of the Interior of the ministry he led Franks.

In parallel, Jose Rolandiuntil now executive secretary of the Government of the Head of Ministers, was formally appointed deputy chief of executive staff.

Who is Lisandro Catalán, new vice chief of the Interior Cabinet

Catalan served as director of National Registry of Recidivism during the government of Alberto Fernández -under the orbit of Wado de Pedro- until November 2023, when he resigned from the position. He was then summoned to assume duties in the Ministry of the Interior, a space that he occupies to this day.

He organized part of the management transition. Lawyer, received at the National University of Tucumánshared with Franks the Acordar Foundation, which promoted the presidential candidacy of Daniel Scioli.


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