SML would not renew Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe’s contract after questioned psychiatric report – Publimetro Chile

SML would not renew Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe’s contract after questioned psychiatric report – Publimetro Chile
SML would not renew Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe’s contract after questioned psychiatric report – Publimetro Chile

Until June 30, former senator Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe would provide services as a psychiatrist to the Legal Medical Service of Concepción, where she has worked since mid-April, providing reports to those convicted by justice.

It was precisely one of those reports that set off alarm bells, as it was considered unbiased before possible political interests.

This is an evaluation that Rysselberghe made to Juan Otarola, who is convicted of violating Human Rights during the dictatorship. In the document, she established that she was with mental derangementtherefore he had to comply with the 15 year sentence from jail for the Laja San Rosendo Massacrereported Bío Bío.

However, this Tuesday the report could be dismissed by the visiting minister Carlos Aldana, in charge of cases for crimes against humanity during the Augusto Pinochet regime. This, after the request made by human rights groups.

Although Otárola’s defense lawyer, Hans Laurie, stressed that there are other tests that also determined the former military man’s mental incapacity, the presidential delegate, Daniela Dresdner, pointed out that Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe should not have been in charge of the medical reportdue to his political tendency in favor of the dictatorship.

Product of itRadio Bío Bío sources indicated that, given the delicate situation, the Legal Medical Service had decided not to renew Jacqueline van Rysselberghe’s service provision contract, which would expire on June 30,” indicated the aforementioned medium.

Rysselberghe hired directly

It was in mid-April when it was announced that the former UDI senator took over through direct treatment as a psychiatrist in the Legal Medical Service (SML) of Concepcióndedicating itself to evaluating accused and convicted persons who are required by justice.

Regarding direct contracting, the director of the regional SML, Jaime Téllez, explained in that tAt the same time, “it is known that we have a deficiency of professionals in the area of ​​mental health due to a multiplicity of court requirements that we have to respond to in a mandatory manner and, Therefore, for more than a year we have been surveying potential professionals who were interested in joining the SML.”

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