More than 130 students participate in the inauguration of the UCN School Connection Programs « UCN news up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte

More than 130 students participate in the inauguration of the UCN School Connection Programs « UCN news up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte
More than 130 students participate in the inauguration of the UCN School Connection Programs « UCN news up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte

The School Liaison, I Follow My Vocation – UCN Pedagogies and Propedéutico programs are aimed at high school students with interest in continuing higher education.

These initiatives of the UCN Academic Success Department seek to strengthen the cognitive, socio-emotional skills and transversal competencies of the students, contributing to their comprehensive training and also supporting them in their vocational exploration process. This 2024, they will be 137 students, distributed in Propedeutic (50), School Liaison (60) and I follow my Vocation (27), which come from more than 35 establishments in the Coquimbo Region.

Regarding the numbers of participants, and the enthusiasm of the young people, the Head of the UCN Academic Success Department, Betty Abaroa Godoy, expressed that it is “a source of pride, because we know that there are talents in all contexts and communities, and there are to give them the opportunity. It is very valuable that the university continues to promote these programs that provide places for inclusive and equitable access to careers in different areas,” she indicated.

Along the same lines, during the start ceremony of the programs, which took place at the Camús Guayacán of the UCN, the Undergraduate and Student Secretary of the Coquimbo UCN Campus, Carolina Fuentes Vega, urged the young people to continue pursuing their dreams now. enhance their talents and skills through these spaces.


Having the support and training of these programs undoubtedly allows students to bridge educational gaps and plan their future. In this sense, the student of the Higher Institute of Commerce and participant of the program School Liaison, Antonia García Cortés, valued this opportunity, highlighting that “it helps me get closer to the university and plan for my higher education. For me, my family and school, it is an honor to be participating in a program that will help me for my future.”

Antonia wants to be a Civil Industrial Engineer, and assures that, “belonging to a Professional Technical High School implies not having certain subjects that other humanistic scientific establishments do have, so these opportunities and programs help us a lot and it is a wonderful opportunity,” said the student.

The person who has managed to find his vocation thanks to the programs taught by the Department of Academic Success is Max Bonilla Jara, student at Altazor School and participant in the program. I Follow My Vocation – UCN Pedagogies. According to his experience, “the program provides resources that reinforce skills. It helped me to learn more about the realities of pedagogy, and to know it through the own experience of our teachers, so thanks to all that set of things I found my vocation for pedagogy.”

It should be noted that this year the three programs will be carried out in semi-face-to-face mode, on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (most face-to-face sessions), but also leaving spaces for distance sessions, synchronous type via Zoom, modality that allows strengthening autonomy, time organization and self-learning, as well as the use of ICTs, essential skills for those who want to continue studies in higher education.

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