Jaime Tenorio, the new face of Takeshima

Jaime Tenorio, the new face of Takeshima
Jaime Tenorio, the new face of Takeshima
  • The new director is a political scientist with a master’s degree in cultural management and a producer from the International Film and Television School of San Antonio de Los Baños (Cuba).

Santiago de Cali, June 4, 2024

The Takeshima Recording Studios Special Administrative Unit has new management. Jaime Andrés Tenorio Tascón from Cali is a political scientist from the University of Los Andes (Bogotá), master in cultural management (Spain) – scholarship holder of the Andrés Bello Agreement (CAB) – from the Ortega y Gasset University Institute (Madrid) and producer from the International School of Cinema and Television of San Antonio de Los Baños (Cuba) – EICTV.

Tenorio marks a new route for Takeshima, after an important period of work carried out from the public, in the cultural and audiovisual sector. “I return to Cali at the invitation of Mayor Alejandro Eder, to join his cabinet. I believe in him and that he wants the best for the city. I also wanted to return to my roots, contribute and return to Cali what I have learned throughout these years in my professional development in culture and especially in audiovisual matters. Cali is a city with a strong audiovisual and musical tradition, nothing more gratifying than returning and helping to strengthen this ecosystem, so that the professionals and technicians who work in this sector find in the city an optimal space to carry out their work and not “They have to go to other places,” says the new director of the Unit.

Takeshima Studies is an organization at the central level, of the District Administration, attached to the Secretariat of Culture of the Mayor’s Office of Santiago de Cali. Its creation was influenced by a donation from Japan to the city’s Mayor’s Office 23 years ago. Takeshima Recording Studios has the objective of supporting cultural and artistic productions and manifestations, which have audiovisual and sound media as a form of expression, seeking thereby to become the leader in the promotion, dissemination and development of the cultural and artistic manifestations of Cali, the Valley and the Colombian Pacific. Its management has been characterized by carrying out various activities, such as training workshops and festivals, aimed at the community. However, the purpose is to grow and generate a greater impact in the city, both at the community and professional level; transform Takeshima into an entity that helps articulate, mediate and convene all the actors that are part of the value chain of the audiovisual ecosystem and sound and musical production, to turn Cali into a benchmark in the region.

It is worth highlighting that the Cali Film Commission and the Single Window, for filming permits, they will be handled by Takeshima. The efforts made by previous administrations, which contributed to the origin of these instances, will continue to be nourished by Takeshima, given its nature and missionality.

“The Single Window comes to facilitate the management of procedures for productions and so that they can be carried out in a more organized manner. Through the commission, we hope to identify all the professionals, technicians and suppliers who are part of this industry. We want more and more audiovisual productions to be made in the city, not only national, but also international. Cali and the Valley offer a great diversity of landscapes and locations that we have to take advantage of to tell our stories, as well as those of international creators. We want to promote the Cali region as a film destination. Precisely, the name Takeshima Studies comes from the story of Yuso Takeshima, a Japanese language student, for whom the extraordinary landscapes of Valle de Cauca and the romance between Efraín and María, from the book ‘María’ by Jorge Isaac, changed his life. Takeshima encouraged the migration of the first Japanese colony at the beginning of the last century, apparently by translating the novel into Japanese,” adds Jaime Tenorio.

Another line that will be promoted by Takeshima Studios is the musical and sound production of the city. Cali has enormous talents that need robust studios with qualified personnel to make their recordings. Takeshima has a studio equipped for such purposes, but it is not enough for local artists. For this reason, work will be done to create and strengthen a network of community studies. Likewise, once the recordings have been made, marketing and promotion issues will be addressed.

Finally, Jaime Tenorio expresses: “Mayor Alejandro Eder wants to strengthen the city in everything that has to do with audiovisual, new media, as well as musical and sound production. That is why the call for those who are part of this sector is to identify Takeshima as their home, we want to articulate, congregate and come together to strengthen the sector.”

About Jaime Tenorio

He has been director of Audiovisuals, Cinema and Interactive Media of the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Knowledge, as well as executive secretary of the Conference of Audiovisual and Cinematographic Authorities of Ibero-America (CAACI). He was Undersecretary of Governance of the Ministry of Culture, Recreation and Sports of Bogotá, general manager of the company Five7Media, director of the national educational and cultural public channel of the RTVC Public Media System, Signal Colombia during 2013 and 2016. He was an advisor to the Ministry of Culture of Colombia and the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies in the transmedia axis of Colombia 3.0; advisor to the Chamber of Commerce in creative industries, among other jobs. Member and representative of producers in the National Council of Arts and Culture in Cinematography –CNACC- between 2009 and 2011. Member of the Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Colombia. Consultant and speaker on media convergence, jury of cultural, audiovisual and new media calls inside and outside the country.

He has advised entities such as the Ministry of Culture of Cali, the Telesur television channel (Venezuela), the Directorate of Children and Youth of the Ministry of Culture, the Directorate of Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and Creative Bogotá of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá; to mention a few.

He was coordinator in 2010 of the I International Exhibition and Meeting on the digital book – Colombian Book Chamber; coordinator in 2009 of stages of the Bogotá Philharmonic Orchestra; coordinator of Cinema Canada 2006 and 2004 of the District Cinematheque; Coordinator of the film series of the Swedish embassy in Colombia (2003); curator, in 1999, of the Ibero-American Film Festival in the forum ‘Cinema, memory of a people. Those of us who are not Hollywood, Colombia chapter’.

In the period 2004 – 2006, he was head of the Production Chair of the International School of Cinema and Television of the International School of Cinema and Television – EICTV of San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba, as well as head of the specialty in production and member of the Academic Council of the EICTV.

He has participated as a jury in important film competitions and calls such as the Ibermedia Fund Call for Co-productions category, Feature Film Production Call for the Audiovisual Promotion Contest of the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage of Chile; New Media Colombia and Colombia Transmedia Alliance led by the ICT Ministry, Proimágenes Colombia, ANTV, and the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce. He has been a judge on several occasions for the calls of the Fund for the Cinematographic Development of Colombia –FDC. In 2014 he was president of the documentary jury at the Havana Film Festival, among other events to which he has been invited such as the 2016 FICCI Producers Meeting; Cinema without Borders – Valdivia Film Festival (2011); Talent Campus Buenos Aires Film Festival –BAFICI- (2012); Guadalajara Film Festival (2014); South Window, Buenos Aires, (2014); among others.

Communications Special Administrative Unit Takeshima Studies

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