Pain for the death of Camila Pacheco, activist in the fight against childhood cancer in Mendoza

Pain for the death of Camila Pacheco, activist in the fight against childhood cancer in Mendoza
Pain for the death of Camila Pacheco, activist in the fight against childhood cancer in Mendoza

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Pain for the death of Camila Pacheco, a reference in Mendoza in the fight against childhood cancer

Your active role in the fight against childhood cancer

Camila was a active reference in the entire process of the sanction of the Oncopediatric Law in Mendozawhich establishes a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach, with the patient and their family, guaranteeing full coverage of treatments for the care of children and adolescents with cancer.

starred various solidarity campaigns to help children with cancer, a disease against which he fought for five years, through donations of toys for patients in hospitals and food for snack bars. Among other activities, promoted a marathon to raise awareness about breast cancer.

Last month, The Senate of Mendoza declared the “yellow bracelets” project of interest, promoted by Camila herself. The initiative consists of the delivery of yellow bracelets accompanied by a card with a message of encouragement in order to achieve a bond of unity and strength for support and awareness of this disease.

Camila was present during the treatment of that project, a session in which her work was praised by the radical senator Claudia Najulwho highlighted the predominant role of the young woman in the sanction of the Mendoza Oncopediatric Law.

Embed – Camila Pacheco Recognition of Oncopediatrics Law

The messages on the networks to say goodbye to Camila Pacheco

Precisely the legislator, who was Minister of Health years ago, wrote in X: “The departure of Camila Pacheco fills us all with sadness, not only those of us who knew her personally, but to each of the people he touched with his message of solidarity, awareness and empathy. We accompany his family and friends in this difficult time.”

“Camila is a constant source of inspiration for our province. Their “Yellow Bracelets” project conveyed how important early detection and accurate diagnoses are in childhood cancer, as well as company, encouragement and joy.”, pondered Najul.

And he closed the heartfelt message: “The best way to remember your life, and above all things, to honoring their example means redoubling efforts in the prevention, treatment and support of diseases suffered by boys and girls.”.

Camila was vicereen of Spring in 2022. From that role she maintained a close relationship with the vintage sovereigns. The current national queen of the Harvest, Agostina Sauaalso dedicated an emotional message to Camila: “ Thank you for representing the people of Mendoza in an admirable way and be a tireless worker for the queens and the Harvest”.

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“You have been an example of life that not only helped many boys and girls, but you also motivated and inspired them with your own fight. Thanks to your kindness you have been reflected in many hearts,” Agostina wrote. The writing also bears the signature of the vicereine Rocío Neila.

The Commission of Queens of Maipú He said goodbye to Camila with “deep pain,” defining her as “a very special being that we had the joy of knowing.”

Camila Pacheco taught us that life is dedication Camila Pacheco taught us that life is dedication

Camila Pacheco taught us that life is dedication. Together with her we carried out the blood donation for the children of the Noti Hospital, she gave us testimony with her own life that love is not just a word, love is always actions. We will always have you present in our hearts,” she wrote.

Embed – Reinas Coremai on Instagram: “Today we say goodbye with deep pain to a very special being that we had the joy of knowing. Camila Pacheco taught us that life is dedication. Together with her we carry out the blood donation for the children of the Hospital Noti, he gave us testimony with his own life that love is not just a word, love is always actions. We will always keep you in our hearts, Queen forever.

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