Health Route offers at least 7 free medical services in SLP – El Sol de San Luis

Health Route offers at least 7 free medical services in SLP – El Sol de San Luis
Health Route offers at least 7 free medical services in SLP – El Sol de San Luis

He Municipal DIF System has provided more than 1,300 medical consultations in the rural area of ​​the capital of Potosí so far this year, following up on diseases and treatments, as well as preventive, nutrition and health talks, in more than twenty communities.

The Rural Medical Brigade of the Municipal DIF System of San Luis Potosí announced that through these consultations the objectives of prevention of chronic-degenerative diseases are met and, on the other hand, the follow-up of patients who already suffer from one of them.

In both cases, if necessary and if available, they are given medication to monitor their illness and keep levels such as glucose or blood pressure under control.

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In the 24 communities of the rural area, there are also nutrition and food health talks; The germination workshop was held for residents of five locations; nutrition myths in three communities and preparation of jam and pasta in another; while preparation of lentil salad was taught in four of them.

These activities are complemented by the community and/or school gardens that have been opened, through which the production of fruits, vegetables and legumes is encouraged for the self-consumption of the population that formed its committee and who are responsible for ensuring that the garden remains active with their care.

On the other hand, the services provided through the Health Routewhich this Tuesday was taken to the San Sebastián neighborhood, in the capital, whose inhabitants benefited from general medical and dental care, a breast scan, vision and hearing exams, as well as glucose and blood pressure checks.

The Health Route runs through neighborhoods and towns of the delegations such as Villa de Pozos, La Pila and Bocas; Likewise, it was highlighted that all services and support are completely free and it was requested to keep an eye on the official social networks, to find out the sectors where it will be present.

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