The Political Patch with which young people transform their territories in Colombia

Quibdó, capital of the department of Chocó, was the setting in which members of the National Youth Council, youth platforms, USAID and ACDI/VOCA, as well as local authorities, met for the closing of the first cycle of the Political Patch campaign. An initiative that accompanied young people from the national territory to make their ideas known, listen to their proposals and provide the Territorial Development Plans with greater legitimacy regarding their public policies.

This initiative, within the framework of the Resilient Youth program, left among other achievements that of the 179 recommendations built with the help of youth, 73 were included in the PDT of 14 cities and municipalities of Colombia, among them Quibdó, Tibú, Cúcuta, Cali, Buenaventura, Turbo, Medellín, Vista Hermosa and Macarena.

“It has been a campaign that the USAID Resilient Youth program has tried to give a voice to the youth of Colombia to that can incorporate their needs, their priorities, in municipal development plans,” highlighted Alejandro Feferbaum, manager of the USAID Resilient Youth Program, who also revealed the main calls of the young participants.


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