Red alert for rain in Neuquén, what care should be taken?

Red alert for rain in Neuquén, what care should be taken?
Red alert for rain in Neuquén, what care should be taken?

“The people from the National Meteorological Service contacted our team and informed us that the alert was raised to red, so we are working with the Emergency Secretariat team planning all the preventive actions that this implies,” the official explained in statements. radial.

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The rain alert is forecast from Wednesday.

Sebastian Fariña Petersen

Given this, they contacted each of the heads of the regions, to give notice of what they had predicted from the SMN. “We are working on all the recommendations and we are seeing how it will develop.“said Ortiz Luna.

In this regard, he noted that on Wednesday the teams will be deployed to the areas “that will be most affected” to reinforce the local teams. “This red alert will last from 6 in the afternoon until 3 in the morning initially, but rain is expected for several daysso we ask people who live in these sectors not to expose themselves and not to move under any visa,” he indicated.

In this sense, he clarified that the SMN predicted rainfall for the remainder of the week, although the heaviest rains will occur between the afternoon and evening of Wednesday. “If this alert is not followed later, obviously we will have remained as ‘alerts’, but A red alert has not been issued for many years, so we must be very attentive and work so that we do not have to regret irreparable losses.“, observed the Secretary of Emergencies and Risk Management.

The affected sector is comprised of the Huiliches, Lácar, southern Aluminé and Aluminé mountain ranges. In addition, the Chos Malal, Loncopué, Minas, Picunches and Ñorquín mountain ranges. Meanwhile, the extreme south of the province of Neuquén remains on orange alert for rain.

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They ask not to leave the houses while the alert is in force.

Sebastian Fariña Petersen

The alert issued by the National Meteorological Service (SMN) foresees intense rains for Wednesday, which can reach 90 mm for the mountain area. In the center of the Province the phenomenon will be of lesser magnitude, with lower intensity rains and less impact on the population.

“In the southern part of the province, the phenomenon will be followed to evaluate the movement of local teams, which are already on alert,” said the official.

The organization recommended that the population stay informed through official channels, Avoid going out and traveling on roads or routes, mainly during the hours expected for the greatest amount of rain, between 6 and 12 p.m.

What are the recommendations

Ortiz Luna explained: “The recommendations mainly have to do with circulation, that is, if it is really not necessary and not urgent, do not go out, so as not to expose yourself to possible situations on routes or roads. There is a lot of snow accumulated in some sectors of the mountain range and this rain is going to bring landslides with this snow, with probable complications.

In addition, the official asked to be “careful with the area of ​​the streams and rivers.” “In places where firewood is heated, it is important to stock up on this element, store food, and firewood – in case the electricity goes out.

“For years, an alert of this nature was not issued for rain, it includes the entire mountain range and implies a real risk for the population, so it is important not to move and try to stay safe, with the elements needed for the cold. and please take extreme care. The only official channels to check how the alert evolves are the National Meteorological Service and the AIC,” the official concluded.

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