Eres Chaco – Province distinguished Chaqueños nominated for the Martín Fierro Federal

Eres Chaco – Province distinguished Chaqueños nominated for the Martín Fierro Federal
Eres Chaco – Province distinguished Chaqueños nominated for the Martín Fierro Federal

The recognition ceremony for the nominees Romildo Lavia Rachz, Lucía Barreto and Leo Yesse took place today with the delivery of the declaration of provincial interest, held at the House of Cultures of Chaco. The Martín Fierro Federal awards ceremony will be this Saturday, June 8, in Mendoza.

This Tuesday, the provincial government recognized Chaco residents nominated for the Martín Fierro Federal. The event, where the declaration of provincial interest was delivered, was led by the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Marcos Resico and the member of the Institute of Culture Marcelo Dojas.
Romildo Lavia Rachz, nominated in 3 shortlists, was recognized: “El yaguareté is back” (El Impenetrable Tv- Canal 9) as best documentary; Panorama Interior (Video Cable Castelli) in the Informative shortlist and also for his journalistic work. Leo Yezze -worker of the public channel Somos Uno- in the male hosting category for “La Tarde de Todos”; Ariel Ramírez, Lucia Barreto and Walter Denaro of the program “El Sonidero” nominated in the shortlist musical program “It is a privilege to have nominees in the. province, it is essential to be at the forefront, that is why to continue leveling upwards we will continue providing training and we will try to help with equipment,” Resico highlighted and pointed out that it goes with the line of communication management that the provincial government wants to promote: having communication successful, respectful and high-level. The official especially celebrated the nominations because “They are very good professionals, and on this occasion, Chaco will be very well represented,” he stated. Dojas, from Culture, for her part expressed the satisfaction of being able to accompany the Chaco talents who were shortlisted and recognized at the national level. “It is a privilege that they represent us before the country,” he said. Gratitude to the government Lucía Barreto, host of El Sonidero, indicated that the program is carried out with a large work group, with the aim of publicizing the musical productions of the region. “Artists from Chaco and from the North have their own voice, it is a great source of pride,” she highlighted. “Thanks to the support of the provincial government, having this recognition is a very significant boost, I hope they continue to support the audiovisual industry,” said Lavia Rachz. She also expressed her excitement about the three nominations and assured that doing journalism in the Chaco interior is a constant challenge. Yezze expressed his joy at the nomination, which is the first for his career. “Being among the three best in the country is already an award, bringing the statuette would be a plus,” he clarified and thanked the provincial government for the distinction in declaring the nominations of provincial interest.


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