What day will it rain in La Serena and Coquimbo? See what the Windy app says about it

According to the Windy application, rainfall is forecast in the conurbation of La Serena and Coquimbo for the early hours of next Sunday.

The rains will begin around midnight (00:00 hours) and will last until 11:00 in the morning of the same day.

Estimates indicate that rainfall could reach approximately 10 millimeters during this period.

This forecast suggests a rainy morning for the region.

The important thing is to stay informed through weather updates within the same application and how the bad weather front evolves as the days go by.

What was the previous rain like in the area?

On May 8, the Coquimbo region experienced intense rains that had been previously announced by meteorological services.

These precipitations were concentrated mainly in the provinces of Choapa and Limarí, where the intensity of the rain was most notable and caused various impacts on the community.

In particular, the maximum amounts of water fall were recorded in Pichidangui and Los Vilos, with an impressive 71 millimeters of rain accumulated.

This level of rainfall exceeded expectations and had significant consequences on infrastructure and the daily lives of residents.

The force of the rains caused several streams to lower, which generated concern among the inhabitants of the affected areas. In addition, power outages were reported in different sectors, affecting both homes and basic services.

Interior routes also suffered the consequences, with minor traffic jams that hindered traffic and required the intervention of the authorities to ensure the safety of drivers.

Another notable phenomenon during this day was the fall of snow in the mountain areas of the region.

This event, although expected at this time of year, always generates a visual and logistical impact, affecting access and connectivity in the highest and most remote areas.

In summary, the rains of May 8 in the Coquimbo region left a significant mark on the provinces of Choapa and Limarí.

The combination of intense rainfall, lowering of streams, power outages, rolling on roads and the fall of snow in the mountain areas reflect the magnitude of this climatic event.

Local authorities and the community worked together to face the challenges presented and mitigate the adverse effects of this natural phenomenon.

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