Colombian exports grew in April, but less oil was exported

Colombian exports grew in April, but less oil was exported
Colombian exports grew in April, but less oil was exported
Exports from Colombia/Image: Valora Analitik.

During April 2024, the Colombian exports stood at US$4,408 millionwith a growth of 17.9% compared to the same month in 2023, driven by external fuel sales.

Even so, in the accumulated of the first four months of 2024, exports showed a drop of 2.9%.

In the fourth month of the year, the United States was the main destination for Colombian exports, with a share of 26.8% of the total value. They followed Panama (12.8%), Mexico (5.3%), India (4.5%), China (4.2%), Ecuador (4.2%) and Brazil (3 %). The other countries represented 39.3%.

“In April 2024 compared to April 2023, the decrease in sales to the United States and Panama together contributed 12.5 percentage points to the total variation in exports (17.9%),” DANE noted in its latest export report.

How Colombian exports behaved in April 2024

The exports of fuels and products from extractive industries They were US$2,138 million, representing 48.5% of the total exported. The 12.3% increase was explained, above all, by the increase in sales of coal, coke and briquettes (18.7%) and of petroleum, petroleum products and related products (6.3%).

In April 2024, 15 million barrels of crude oil were exported, which represented a drop of 2.4% compared to April 2023.

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The group of products agriculture, food and beverages represented US$947.4 million of exports. They had a growth of 22.8%, and represented 21.5% of the total Colombian products exported. The increase was due to increases in exports of fresh or dried bananas (100.3%) and unroasted coffee, decaffeinated or not (21.9%).

The group followed manufactures, with US$943.7 million, a growth of 15.3% and a market share of 21.4%. External sales of chemicals and related products increased (23%), and machinery and transport equipment (13.7%).

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