Córdoba surrenders to the most sensual and melancholic Fernando Botero at the Cajasol Foundation

Córdoba surrenders to the most sensual and melancholic Fernando Botero at the Cajasol Foundation
Córdoba surrenders to the most sensual and melancholic Fernando Botero at the Cajasol Foundation

Fernando Lara, Marisa Oropesa, Antonio Pulido and Salvador Fuentes.Victor Castro


Sensuality and melancholy. That is the surname of the exhibition with which the Cajasol Foundation pays posthumous tribute to the Colombian artist Fernando Boterowho died in September of last year and which presents a selection of sculptures, oil paintings, watercolors and drawings by this multifaceted artist whose work has been revalued after his death, multiplying the figures in the latest auctions.

Fernando Botero He knew how to interpret art throughout his life and do it in his own way, in a characteristic and unique way that is perfectly identifiable. As the artist said, “the problem of painting is not to create different themes but to do the same thing that everyone has done, but in a different way. The same man or the same woman, the same horse, the same tree, the same still life , but seen with another feeling, with other eyes.”Antonio Pulido, president of the Cajasol Foundation, confessed to being a deep admirer of Botero and stressed the honor of paying tribute to him with this exhibition that houses more than 31 of his works.

Likewise, he highlighted that “the exaggerated universe of the great master of colors and volumes is unmistakable. “We are facing a true idol of contemporary art throughout the world, an artist who investigated all trends and departed from all of them to invent his own.”

Exhibition ‘Botero. Sensuality and Melancholy’ by the Cajasol Foundation.

The personality of Botero, the painter of rounded figures, although he never considered himself a painter of fat people, is transmitted through this exhibition curated by Marisa Oropesa, who assures that “whoever visits it will be able to delight in the use of colors and volume that master Botero dominated.” In his opinion, Boetero’s universe “hides a halo of melancholy that seems to be guided by Saturn at the same time that sensuality takes over the volumetric forms he used.” According to Oropesa, “emphasizes masses that remind us of Rubensbut his work is actually the result of a deep knowledge of Western art and the Mexican muralist tradition combined with his commitment to his Antioquian soul.”

Botero’s exhibition includes paintings and sculptures.

The exhibition allows us to see how in his creations “there are recurring themes that have accompanied him since the sixties” and that often contain his Colombian roots.where human relationships, music and dance are present”. His art therefore has an autobiographical point.

From June 5 to July 20

The exhibition can be seen from this Wednesday, June 5 until July 20 at the Cajasol foundation (Avenida Ronda de los Tejares 32) and includes, among others, several pencil drawings on paper from a private collection (Woman with mask and Sitting man with mask), bronze sculpture Woman lying with bird, the graphite and watercolor titled Dancing and oil paintings as Horse and trainer. The exhibition can be visited from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Monday to Saturday (closed on Sundays and holidays).

The president of the Provincial Council of Córdoba, Salvador Fuentes, participated in the inauguration of the retrospective that can be seen for the first time in Córdoba after having visited other cities. Fuentes has stressed the “importance of being able to count on Córdoba with an exhibition of a top-level artist like Boteroone of the most important of our time, who stood out for his use of colors and volume.”

“Thanks to the Cajasol Foundation, we will be able to enjoy this exhibition of an icon of contemporary art, “a universal artist who studied all trends but created his own, giving rise to an unmistakable style,” said Fuentes. The president of the Provincial Council has stressed that “Córdoba also wanted to join the posthumous tribute “that is done to Botero by hosting this exhibition that brings his particular way of creating to all the people of Córdoba who want to come and see his works.”

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