Shock over the death of an employee at Chango Más in Neuquén

Shock over the death of an employee at Chango Más in Neuquén
Shock over the death of an employee at Chango Más in Neuquén

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Against those dismissed, there were cuts in access to the supermarket and the Undersecretary of Labor of the province dictated mandatory conciliation and forced the parties to return the situation to the previous state.

“A shame, a young boy, 48 or 49 years old…The situation is stressful, it doesn’t hit us all the same and it affected him a lot. We are not working, more than anything we are going to keep schedule and He had told a colleague that he was tired and did not feel well. Around noon this happens to him (he dies). In the batch they fired, they had taken the nurse from Walmart. As best they could, his colleagues tried to revive him,” said one of the workers.

The employee died while sitting, eating lunch, during a break. Under these circumstances, he fainted and was immediately assisted by the staff present. Simultaneously, he called the SIEN emergency medical service.

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SIEN personnel intervened to revive the worker, but to no avail.

Sebastian Fariña Petersen

“Us We attended at the request of 107 for a person in cardiorespiratory arrest who was in the dining room del Chango Más. It was carried out CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation – Advanced, no positive result was obtained and death was declared. Apparently, it has been a heart attack, from what we were able to evaluate and it stayed with the local people,” confirmed the Secretary of Emergencies and Risk Management from the province of Neuquén, Luciana Ortiz Lunain dialogue with LMNeuquén.

Chango Más is a brand of the North American supermarket giant Walmart, whose assets in Argentina were acquired by former national representative Francisco De Narváez, who unified all the stores open in the country under that brand.

Judicial sources indicated to L M N that the body of the deceased worker was taken to the morgue in order to perform an autopsy and confirm the cause of death.

As a sign of mourning, the company has decided to close its facilities during the days of this Tuesday and Wednesday.

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Claudio Espinoza

How the situation of the 39 dismissals continues

The situation of the 39 layoffs from the supermarket Chango More is still not resolved in Neuquén and the workers wait until next week when the mandatory conciliation deadline expires.

The employees of the former Walmart were the layoffs and the company ratified the measure before the Undersecretary of Labor, arguing that sales fell and they need a restructuring of the business unit.

He Neuquén Commerce Center (CEC) He did not accept the measure, which began with the branches in Buenos Aires, and proposed a fight plan that ended in conciliation: these days the employees are at their jobs, waiting for the negotiation for compensation.

On Monday there was a new conciliatory meeting to analyze the proposal made by the union for the conditions of separation. The company, for its part, ratifies the layoffs. Meanwhile, everything went back to zero.

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