The Faculty of Law put divers with the institution’s logo on sale

The Faculty of Law put divers with the institution’s logo on sale
The Faculty of Law put divers with the institution’s logo on sale

The authorities specified that they want the community of that academic unit to proudly display their belonging and the prestige of the house. It is planned to expand merchandising; and the proceeds will go to scholarships for students.

In the style of Yale and Harvard, in the United States, students at the Law School of the National University of Tucumán can now wear on their chests their belonging to this institution. With this objective, the authorities of that academic unit put the official sweatshirt of the Faculty on sale, with the legend “UNT Derecho”.

“The intention of our management is that our students, teachers, graduates and non-teaching staff can proudly display the logo of our university. This initiative aims to reinforce the identity of our institution and the sense of belonging to the university community,” explained the Secretary of Institutional Management of the Faculty, Martin Rivas. “It is the first step of a merchandising project that we are outlining to generate resources for student scholarships,” he added.

This is the first UNT Faculty to launch clothing with the institutional logo. The moment in which the clothing goes on sale is not coincidental. It occurs in a context of confrontation between the national government and the universities that make up the Argentine public system. The conflict, motivated by the refusal of the National Executive Branch to grant a budget increase in line with inflation, had its peak of tension on April 23, when there was a massive mobilization throughout the country in defense of education. After this march, the Nation gave a 270% increase for operating expenses of the study houses.

That massive support was given, in part, to the renown that Argentine society attributes, according to various surveys, to national universities. On that basis, the legal authorities founded the initiative to put the divers up for sale. “It is a way to make visible the prestige and history of our Faculty, which turns 86 this month. We have made a significant effort to expand throughout the province with classroom extensions (to Bella Vista, Concepción, Monteros and Trancas), and we want to accompany this with measures that tend to involve society with our institution. We aspire for these divers to be a symbol of excellent public education,” Rivas said.

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