Michelle Bachelet sends a letter for the 112th anniversary of the PC: “Fundamental actor in the history of the country” | National

Michelle Bachelet sends a letter for the 112th anniversary of the PC: “Fundamental actor in the history of the country” | National
Michelle Bachelet sends a letter for the 112th anniversary of the PC: “Fundamental actor in the history of the country” | National


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Former President Michelle Bachelet commemorated the 112th anniversary of the Communist Party of Chile, highlighting its fundamental role in the country’s history, expressing her recognition and admiration for the community for its tireless struggle and commitment over more than a century. In a letter read by PC leader Lautaro Carmona, Bachelet highlighted the party’s commitment to social justice, equality and solidarity, emphasizing the importance of unity among progressive forces to move towards a more inclusive and democratic society. This gesture adds to her recent participation in the municipal campaign supporting the candidate for mayor of La Granja, Juan Valdés, as part of a strategy to strengthen unity within the government block.

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Former President Michelle Bachelet, in a gesture of affection, recognized the importance of the Communist Party in the political and social history of Chile during her two presidential terms.

In a message on the occasion of the 112th anniversary of the Communist Party of Chile, the former president Michelle Bachelet expressed his recognition and admiration towards the community, highlighting his fundamental role in the history of the country.

“Dear colleagues of the Communist Party of Chile, It is an honor and a privilege to address you on the occasion of the commemoration of the 112th anniversary of the party“said Bachelet in a letter read by the leader of the PC, Lautaro Carmonaaccording to Emol.

The PC has been a fundamental actor in the political and social history of our country. Since its founding in 1912, it has faced countless challenges and adversities, but it has always maintained its conviction in building a more just and equitable society,” the former president added in the letter.

Bachelet, whose presidential terms had the support of the PC. Along these lines, he highlighted the party’s commitment to the principles of social justice, equality and solidarity throughout more than a century of history. “Their tireless fight and commitment are worthy of recognition“he added.

Call to unity

The former president stressed the importance of unity among progressive forces to move towards a more inclusive and democratic society. “I am convinced that unity will allow a better future for all Chileans“he emphasized.

Likewise, Bachelet wished the PC to continue moving forward with the same energy and dedication demonstrated over the years. “I express my affection and admiration“concluded the letter read by the communist helmsman.

This gesture by Bachelet adds to her recent participation in the municipal campaign, supporting the candidate for mayor of La Granja, Juan Valdesas part of a strategy to strengthen unity within the government block.

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