Sernac appoints producer and ticket holder for the suspension of the Los Tres concert in Antofagasta

The National Consumer Service (Sernac) officiated both Parliament Productions like Ticket Pointproducer and ticket holder of the concert The Three in Antofagasta initially scheduled for June 1, but it was suspended with a few days notice.

The penquista quartet rescheduled the show for October 12 ° and promised that Antofagasta “will have a stellar place” in the second part of the year, explaining that the decision was due to “agenda changes.”

Related note l Los Tres will postpone their concert in Antofagasta until October: it is the most expensive of the tour

Let us remember that this is the most expensive concert of the “Revolt” tour. whose tickets reached prices of up to $149 thousand for the first rows of the Sokol Stadium.

Despite the explanation of Los Tres, the inspection service asked the companies to report the reasons they had for suspending the event, the number of tickets sold, the number of consumers affected, the way in which the suspension of the event was reported. , numbers of claims received by the company, the mechanisms available to compensate for the damages suffered and the period established for this, among other information.

«A professional company must offer services that it is actually capable of delivering. That is, you can only advertise a show when all the conditions are in place to fulfill what is offered. Otherwise, you must respond to the consumer,” said the regional director of Sernac, Fernando Sepulveda.

As complemented by Sernac, the extrajudicial action seeks to learn more about the case, clarify the responsibility of the companies in these events and determine the possible actions to follow in the event that consumer rights have been violated, in addition to informing the measures they will adopt to compensate those affected.

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