Fulbright Commission scholarships awarded to two UNT professionals

Fulbright Commission scholarships awarded to two UNT professionals
Fulbright Commission scholarships awarded to two UNT professionals

The scholarships are aimed at teachers, researchers and experts in studies about the United States, dedicated to teaching at the university level and are funded by the US Department of State.

Two UNT professionals received Fulbright Scholarships, a program that has fostered links between people and countries for more than 70 years. It is led by the United States government in partnership with more than 160 countries.

Fulbright provides opportunities for outstanding students, professors, artists, researchers, and educators in all disciplines. These scholars advance their careers and make important contributions in their countries, and in the countries where they study and work with their scholarships. Upon returning, they share their experiences and often continue with the tasks they began in the other country. And they join thousands of other former scholarship holders who stand out for their leadership in various fields throughout the world.

The Secretary of International Relations of the UNT, Horacio Madkur, stressed that the area in his charge has the responsibility of “disseminating information about subsidies to UNT students and graduates. Today, we celebrate the joint work carried out between the scholarship recipients and the secretariat, in order to position Tucumán, regarding the academic and human capital to access this type of scholarships.”

Furthermore, he stressed, “all former Fulbright scholarship holders generate a networking network that enables us to establish relationships and contacts with other universities, with which we make agreements or facilitate the transfer of information and research carried out abroad. The UNT is a network of links,” he concluded.

About the scholarship holders

Hugo Edgar Navasprofessor at the UNT Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, and María José Romano Boscarinograduated from the UNT Faculty of Economic Sciences, are the beneficiaries of these scholarships.

Navas is a lawyer, specialist in public administration and adjunct professor of the subject “History of Political and Legal Thought”, at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. “These are Fulbright Commission scholarships that are awarded to university professors. In my case, it refers to the topic that directly concerns me, North American Politics and Political Thought. The graduate course will take place at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, ranked among the top 20 in the US. It will include classes at the University of Amherst and then a series of visits to various American institutions in the cities of Boston, New York , Charlottesville-Virginia and Washington DC, where we will participate in visits and talks at the John F Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, the United Nations, the International Center for Jefferson Studies, the US Congress, the Department of State and interviews with American congressmen and American university professors,” he explained.

He also highlighted that “the role of teacher and university professor is fundamental. As teachers, our focus must be on perfecting ourselves to better transmit knowledge in our classes and university classrooms.”

Boscarino, a graduate in Economics from UNT and a master’s degree in Public Policy from the Torcuato Di Tella University, said that “this Fulbright program, called Humphrey, is particularly intended for professionals with experience in management and public policies. It lasts ten months and consists of professional training, which combines academics with practice. In addition to the academic courses at this university, our participation in all training and networking activities in other institutions in the United States is promoted, which contributes to the professional project for which I was selected, which has to do with public policies for Tucumán, and “adds a professional practice.”

“I am the third Tucumán economist to win this scholarship and the first Tucumán economist. The role of the UNT, through the Secretary of International Relations, is fundamental, which is why I found out about this scholarship, and I had the support and support to continue with my professional training and return the knowledge and experiences to our province”, he concluded.

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