Chamber accepted the resignation of Carlos Camargo as Ombudsman

Chamber accepted the resignation of Carlos Camargo as Ombudsman
Chamber accepted the resignation of Carlos Camargo as Ombudsman

With 117 votes for yes and six for no, the Plenary of the House of Representatives this Tuesday officially accepted the resignation of Carlos Camargo Assis as national ombudsman.

The lawyer, who had held this position since September 1, 2020, submitted his resignation after receiving a proposal to be vice-rector of the Sergio Arboleda University.

In the resignation letter, Camargo Assis thanked the House of Representatives for “the permanent interest they have had during the administration that ended, and I express to you my feeling of gratitude for the trust you gave me when you elected me as Ombudsman.”

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What’s coming now?

To end the current constitutional period in the Ombudsman’s Office, which runs until August 31, 2024, The delegate for the protection of the rights of ethnic groups, Julio Luis Balanta Mina, would take office in the coming days.

Before that happens, the Government must have sent to the House of Representatives a shortlist with the names of candidates who meet the requirements established by law, among them, be a qualified lawyer, not have criminal sanctions or sanctions in control entities and not be subject to the causes of disqualifications or incompatibilities to contract with the State.

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The shortlist will be studied by the 187 representatives of the Chamberwho must determine the suitability of the candidates through academic tests, interviews, etc.

In a special plenary session, which would be held in the third legislature, after July 20, the congressmen will proceed to choose the new defender, who will hold the position for four years.

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