This is the schedule to enjoy the quince candy days

This is the schedule to enjoy the quince candy days
This is the schedule to enjoy the quince candy days

This Wednesday the 5th, the IX Dulce de Membrillo Rubio de San Juan Days will begin. The event will feature talks, conferences, exhibitions and awards ceremonies. It should be noted that this is an activity organized by the Ministry of Production, Labor and Innovation, through the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Agroindustry, headed by Miguel Moreno.

It is important to note that the closing of this day will be next Thursday, June 6, at 6:00 p.m. with the awarding of the VII Provincial Blonde Quince Sweet Contest. This event will take place in the Traveling Hall of the Capital Urban History Museum.

Talk schedule

  • 9 hours: Opening by authorities.
  • 9:30 am: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in the use of Phytosanitary Products – by Agricultural Engineer Jesica Lobos Directorate of Plant, Animal and Food Health, Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Agroindustry Ministry of Production, Labor and Innovation and Development Economic.
  • 10:10 hours: Experiences in the production process in the factory by producers Matías Pizarro, Jorge Pons and Felipe Chiaramonte.
  • 10:40 am: Coffee Break.
  • 11 hours: Economic impact on the use of Geographical Identification and Denomination of Origin stamps of San Juan by Mr. Bruno Fasoli and Mr. Adrián Alonso.
  • 11:40 hours: Use of controllers in quince cultivation by Agronomist Eduardo Mondaca, Agronomist Jimena Correa and Lic. Lorena Suarez from the Directorate of Plant, Animal and Food Health Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Agroindustry Ministry of Production, Work and Innovation and Economic Development.
  • 12:20 p.m.: Strategies for marketing sweets and preserves. A look at the exterior by María José Cavallera and Cesar Javier Coria.
  • 13 hours: Closing of the day.

VII Provincial Blonde Quince Competition

The jury will award among the sweet finalists, a first prize, second prize and third prize in each of the four categories. Then a tasting led by members of the panel will be offered to the public present.

This event will take place in the Traveling Hall of the Capital Urban History Museum at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 6.

Contest categories:

  • Craft Category: Companies
  • Craft Category: Educational Institutions (Primary Level and Job Training)
  • Craft Category: Educational Institutions (Technical and Agrotechnical Schools)
  • Craft Category: Family Homemade


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